I Guarantee You Will Buy Low Sell High and Make Money by J.P. Weber - HTML preview

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APRIL 1995


Onto April 95. SHARE PRICE is $13.12. Put in column 3 now go to column 8, SHARES OWNED and figure how many shares you own. Always check column 7 from the month before. If you see a – meaning you neither bought nor sold any shares, then you know you still have the same number of shares. Last month you know you did nothing, so you know your total stayed the same for SHARES OWNED & PORTFOLIO CONTROL.

The easy way to figure any month’s share total is to add columns 7 & 8 from the previous month if you bought and subtract column 7 from column 8 if you sold. So now you own 534 shares. So multiply 534 X the $13.12 SHARE PRICE and your SHARE VALUE is $7,009, write in column 4. SAFE is 700. Last month’s cash was $5,083. This $5,083 earned $25 INTEREST (column 12) so your ending CASH balance is $5,108, write in column 6. Repeat every month, look at PORTFOLIO CONTROL & SHARE VALUE.


Only thing left to do is figure your PORTFOLIO VALUE ($7,009 + $5,108 = $12,117).