EAN 14 stands for European article number 14. EAN 14 is a type of linear barcodes used to store information about traded goods. EAN is implemented on GS1 128, barcode standard with an added A1 (01) which is typically used for encoding GTIN 14 (GTIN: Global Trade Item Number). EAN 14 is a 14 digit numeric barcode. The structure of EAN 13 barcode is as follows.
Few slight variation and other names of EAN 14 are EAN/UCC 14, Case Code, DUN 14, UCC 14.
Structure of EAN 14
EAN 14 consists of a total of 14 numeric digits which are organized in the following pattern.
· The starting two numeric digits are fixed and are called EAN-128 Application Identifier. These digits are 0 and 1. These are not mutable and you don’t have to add it these, barcode encode device will automatically append them at the beginning of the barcode.
· The next digits are called packaging indicator which is also known as logistic variant.
· Off the remaining 13 digits, first 12 digits contain the information about the product whereas the last digit is the check digit.
Advantages of EAN 14
· EAN 14 is a linear barcode and can be easily encoded and decoded like most of the linear barcode.
· Automatic check digit provides security.
· EAN 14 encodes only numeric digits which makes encoding and decoding algorithm simple and no lengthy user training is required to understand it.
· EAN 14 can be encoded and decoded by any average scanning barcode and no advanced barcode scanning device is required for this purpose.
· Although encoding numeric only data brings simplicity yet it is not suitable if one wants to encode alphabets and special characters.
· Similar to other linear barcodes, in order to store large data the width of the barcode has to be increased.
· The ability to tolerate damage is limited in EAN 14 like other linear barcodes and barcode, once distorted or damage can be successfully decoded.
· EAN 14 barcode is used in GS1 cartoon or pallets industry.
· EAN 14 barcodes is also used for trading purposes and it is the standard used for encoding global trade item numbers. It is for this reason it is also called GTIN 14.
· Commonly used standard for shipping containers, this is why it is named as UPC Shipping Container Symbol.