Leadership? Just a state of mind. by Luis Gaspar - HTML preview

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With all that said and done, there is an awful lot to take on board here. Hopefully, you have a much better idea now of what makes a great leader and how you can win the respect of your team and steer them to victory almost without trying.

But still, putting all this into action can be challenging and that’s why it’s useful to break this down further and to recap on some of the most potent tips we covered throughout the book. So here they are…

Have a Vision You Believe In

This is by far the single most important point if you want to make sure your team respects you and that you are making the right decisions for your organization.

Focus on Your Mission Statement

As a leader, you need to see the bigger picture and that means focusing on how to deliver results and how to grow the business.

Build Resilience and Plan for Contingencies

Make sure that your business can handle crises and that you know what you'll do in any of the worst-case scenarios.

Hire the Right Team

Your team should be diverse in their skills and their abilities but they should be united by the common goal that you all share and the common vision.

Give Your Team Autonomy and Credit

This is the best way to make work intrinsically motivating for your team and to ensure they work hard and passionately.

Stay Calm, Be Respected

This will keep your team calm, and it will make you seem more confident. This is most important when you are challenged by dissidents and when you are going through tough times. By showing your passion, doing what's best for the team, and being friendly but distant, you can endeavor to be respected. This is better than being liked or feared.

Be One Step Ahead

Use financial modeling and other techniques to stay one step ahead.

Take Responsibility

If things go wrong, you must always take responsibility. This gives your team confidence and assurance but also wins their respect.

Be Knowledgeable

You won’t be the best at anything, and you need to know how to delegate. BUT you should also make it your business to understand the role of each team member so that you can oversea the course of your ship.

Take Risks

It is important to take risks and be courageous as a leader. This is again what will allow you to grow, and what will make your team achieve above the rest.