Leadership? Just a state of mind. by Luis Gaspar - HTML preview

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Now you have a broad idea of what it means to be a good leader, it’s time to break this down and to examine each of these points in more detail.

But the most important point we can discuss is an inspiration. If you can inspire your team to work, then you can get the very best out of them no matter what else. If they believe in your vision, they will be loyal and committed to what you're doing. They will work harder, and longer hours and they will drive your business, department, or startup forward faster than anyone else.

Notice the word ‘vision’ here. That’s very important and we’ll come to why in a moment.

What’s more, is that if you have a vision for your team, you’ll help to inspire others. That means your customers and your potential business partners. More people will want to work with you. More people will want to buy from you. And more people will want to be loyal to your brand and to think of themselves as a ‘part’ of what you do.

It goes deeper too. That's because having a vision can also help you to make the right decisions for your organization. Did we talk briefly about the importance of not just keeping your team afloat but of growing and avoiding catastrophe? That all comes from having the right vision.

Your vision is what gives you your goal. And if you get it right, it should also be what gives you your drive to succeed and makes that passion contagious. Many of the points we talk about later in this book will stem from that vision.