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5.1. Pinpointing the Value of a Course

“Value” can be tough to define. In many ways, sell courses can be like the stock market where it experiences a dramatic and sudden reversal in either direction. So how do you choose a fair price?

Here are some tips you can take :



The best way to do research is right on the ForteMall itself. Check completed course listings, as well as current ones, for price and course content comparisons. You can search or browse the ForteMall course listings, if there are courses that similar yours, there is a basis to build up your course enroll price.

This type of research will give you valuable guidance. On the flip side, also pay attention to similar courses that didn’t sell. Figure out why they didn’t sell. Do you see any obvious differences? What can you learn?

Search the internet

There are also many courses host on other online learning sites. You can use the search engine (eg Google) to search if there is a similar courses and their price. It is also a good place to obtain the information.

Try and error

How if there is no similar courses on ForteMall and internet? Congratulation! Your course can be a very unique one on ForteMall, and it has very high chance you can have a good price for your course.
Just use the try and error method to define your course. You can evaluate your first price according your course content. If you has no reputation on ForteMall, do not define the price to high (even you can provide a “free trial” course on ForteMall, it is a great marketing strategy). If the demand is higher than supply, you can adjust your price higher, and accumulate your reputation on ForteMall at the same time.

If your first price is too high, and none enroll your course, try to low it down, and/or you can provide “free trial” course marketing strategy (we will mention it later) to increase the reputation.

By tuning the price lower and higher, you can find a suitable price that can make you maximum profit.