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6. Critical Marketing Skills

A successful salesperson knows how to “read” her customer... how to put herself into the mind of her buyer. By doing so, she is able to discover what her buyer really wants -- and then provide it. The same technique can be use to promote your online teaching business.

In order to succeed in online teaching, you have to do the same thing. Know what your customer (student) wants and then speak to him or her on a one-to-one level.

If you are thinking that you can’t do this, I can assure you that it isn’t that difficult. The simplest, easiest method to figure out what your customers (students) want is to constantly study enrolled and losing courses!

Often two lecturers will offer identical or almost-identical course products, but one will be a smashing success and the other, a dismal failure. Whenever you find such a situation, examine the listings carefully to understand the difference.

For example, I opened a course to teach the internet marketing skills, and the results were just OK. I reopened the course with one adjustment to my previous ad -- I put the course retail price in the headline. This time it was a smashing success. Obviously, my students wanted a bargain.

Where did I get this idea? Simply by studying some successful lecturers. You don’t need to be a marketing genius constantly inventing clever ploys. All you have to do is figure out what other successful people are doing and adapt it to your own sales, keeping in mind your target students’ needs and wants. Believe me, when you start becoming a power lecturer, you will be noticed by many people… and they will start copying you!

Competition is keen. With lot of available courses to enroll, you must capture the attention of students if you plan to succeed. And that’s not all. You have to be able to answer that all-important question in the student’s mind, “What’s it for me?” Distinguish your course listing from your competitor’s by mastering the following marketing skills: