Mail List Cash Extractor by Marian Costita - HTML preview

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The Personal Touch

Finally, we have the personal touch. It’s something that’s always important when you're running your own list. In fact, speaking of the personal touch, just four months ago I remember getting a Christmas card from one of the programmers that's working on something for me. It wasn't anything special, just an e-card sent via e-mail to all his customers, with a generic dear sir/madam at the top of it. It was nice though, and what’s nicer for him is I remembered it. Heck, I don't even remember what I had for dinner two nights ago so it definitely did something. I’ve used his services four times since.

The same is going to apply to your subscribers. Send them Christmas greetings for example, and they will remember you. Many people do this already in some form or another, but a little graphic maybe, something fun that isn't there to sell them on something. Remembering that programmer and his name, and his company name is proof that it works. (I have many more examples of this. It wasn’t just a one off) I've seen others do this too, and I still remember them from last year. How many ads do you remember that landed in your inbox say, three months ago? Be personal, but professional, and this will not only be relevant to your business, but more importantly, your reputation and your profits.