Mail List Cash Extractor by Marian Costita - HTML preview

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Getting Started

Ok so the first thing I want to talk to you about is getting started. The number one thing I've seen over the years, from the friends that came and went, and those that didn't make it, and even from those that did in the early days was that they were put off in the beginning. You know the story, and in fact, may have experienced or are experiencing this yourself right now, the ‘I only have a thousand people on my list’ syndrome, where it all isn't quite happening fast enough.

Let me put your mind at rest here. Done properly, with a good solid product and joint venturing and making some new contacts through a single website, a single product not even directly aimed at increasing your list size or quality can put you up two, three, five, and even ten thousand subscribers within a few months. I've seen it, and I've experienced it. We'll talk more about this in a moment, but first I want to be sure that you understand that numbers don't matter.

So what if you only have five hundred people on your list, when all of those 500 people know you, trust you, know your products, and most of them either bought from you before or see you as more than a random nobody sending them e-mail. I'd pick that 500 person list over a random low quality, purchased leads or whatever list consisting of 10,000 people any day. Whatever you do, don't get disheartened by low numbers. Numbers mean nothing, it's how you interact with them and how they respond to you that matters.

And on that note, there's something else I want to get out to you right now, if you've done this before, or have thought about doing it, or haven't done it yet, listen up, because it's amazing how many people I speak to, asking how their list building is going, and they say to me oh yeah, I only had three, four, five hundred on it, so I ditched it and started again. They weren't responding to me anyway. How to make them respond to you is a different report altogether. But please, do not start ditching lists like this to get organized again.