Mail List Cash Extractor by Marian Costita - HTML preview

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Professionalism Revisited

So, moving on, how seriously do you take building your own list of contacts that you can use as a very powerful bargaining tool and to grab free sales from whenever you launch a new product? If you've been around for any length of time, it wouldn't surprise me if you've been told list building is more important than making sales, or even the other way around in some cases, sales being more important than building your list.

The first quote you probably heard from some of the more experienced marketers out there, is how building your list is all important and how it's the be all and end all of your marketing. This is probably why a lot of people get downhearted and quit, they believe that because their list isn't growing fast enough, they won't succeed. This is simply not true. We've got all those other juicy resources to build and compliment each other, affiliates, customers, Jv’s, long term customers and of course your list.

The second quote gives me the giggles. It's typical geocities marketer stuff, where someone sets up a free site with popup all over, trying to show us all that they know everything there is to know about marketing (I don't think anyone knows everything there is to know about marketing), anyway, the general trend of these types of sites is to try and persuade you that the people earning big incomes from marketing aren't telling the truth, or don't know what they're doing. This is where you'll generally be told that sales are the most important thing a marketer can aim for. Totally wrong, but, I digress.