Mail List Cash Extractor by Marian Costita - HTML preview

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A Few Final Notes

Lastly a few quick notes on how not to do things, and some questionable activities that could be made better use of. First up is the Free stuff for your subscription, does it work? Yeah it does put simply. Remember though, quality over quantity. We’d rather have a 10k JV from a private list than a shoddy 100k from a dodgy ad list or something like that. Don't give away too much! Every day I see people giving away a free e-book library of a hundred e-books written in the early 1990's. I can tell you now, that if anyone actually did subscribe to get these free gifts, it was the only reason. I sure don't want a list of a million freebie seekers, and I'm guessing neither do you. If you're giving it away, make sure it's not shoddy, but make sure it's not worth hundreds of dollars too.

Ok well, that’s all of it for now. We just dealt with the lead generation specific areas here, but as you can see it's not the easiest thing to do when all of the top five resources are tied into one and another. Make sure to remember this above all else.