Make Money Flipping Houses While on Vacation by Jason Medley & Joe McCall - HTML preview

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Chapter 12

Always Be Learning

Joe McCall:

If I had it to do differently next time, when I was in Prague I would be more disciplined with my time. We goofed off a lot. We spent a lot of time doing sightseeing and stuff. I did set aside time to work, but I didn’t always work as much as I should have.

If I were to do it again I could have done more deals and I could have made more money if I would have been more disciplined. We flipped two deals, granted, but I didn’t do as much as I wanted. I didn’t meet my goals. I wanted to flip four and I wanted to flip a bunch of properties in this new market. We got the market started, we got it going.

I would have also made sure I had my own Wi-Fi, my own internet. I didn’t want to spend the money on it, but looking back I should have. I should have gotten one of those, you know how AT&T and Verizon have those wireless 3G or 4G internet cards? You can get those in other countries in Europe and South America or whatever. I should have spent the money to get that and I should have been willing to spend the extra money for making international calls from my cell phone.

Part of the problem when you’re in other countries is your landlords, your coffee shops, they will throttle the internet. In third world countries and even industrial countries like Prague there is a lot of illegal downloading of movies and sometimes a lot of the locals will go to coffee shops to get their high speed internet and will download a ton of movies from Pirate Bay or whatever. They will throttle the internet, which makes it difficult to make calls on Skype. If I were to do it again I would make sure I had my own internet and I would spend the extra money to make calls internationally with my cell phone so I don’t have to rely on really fast internet to make phone calls.

That’s all I have. I have a website where I started blogging about our trip in Prague and flipping properties remotely. You gave me permission to share this. It’s just a blog. I don’t have anything to sell on there. It’s On there I have a lot of tutorials on how I flip lease options and how I do traditional wholesaling. I’m adding to it constantly with new tutorials that kind of relate to this stuff. It’s a good place to go if you want to keep track.

When we go to Costa Rica I’m going to blog more about our trip to Costa Rica and the deals we’re flipping there. Even though I’m back in St. Louis I’m still flipping deals in California. I’m flipping deals with students in other states. This is really a dream come true for me, man. I remember 10 years ago reading this stuff and thinking, “I could never do that.” and here I am doing it. It blows me away.

Jason Medley:

Joe, I’ve got to tell you, I’m super impressed with tonight. This call was off the charts. Gang, go visit Joe’s website, go check out his blog. I’m sure there’s a bunch of other valuable content there. This was hot, man. I would like to say that relative to most products that you’ll buy that you’ll spend $97.00 on, you’ll probably get more value out of this than you do most of those products.

Joe, I’m just really grateful for your time. I appreciate you coming on and really getting nitty-gritty and sharing some of this stuff. I learned a lot by being on here, to be quite frank with you. I already have several ideas on how to use Sly Dial. It’s awesome, bro. I’m really, really appreciative of it and I know everybody on the call was. I know from looking at the comments everybody was very, very grateful.

Joe, I’m getting lots of people coming in and saying thanks. Thanks for blowing the doors off of it, man.

One other thing, guys. I’m going to send an email to all of the attendees tomorrow. I’ll give you the link to Joe’s blog again in that email and also I’m going to ask you to go to my Facebook page and actually just put some “Woohoos” out there about how we rocked the house on our 110% content call tonight. This is not normal, guys. I hope you know that. This is over the top.

Joe McCall:

I sell this stuff for a lot of money, man.

Jason Medley:

Yeah, I know and I’m hoping everybody appreciates that. This isn’t a complete start to finish system in a package on a DVD or what have you, but what you got tonight was off the charts, man. You have a unique way of doing business and it’s gotten me excited about the fact that you’re coming to The Secret Six Figure Society because I’m sure the guys in my group – I don’t know anyone else in there who does lease options but sometimes it’s not about that, it’s just about how you’re using technology and how they can apply it to their business. Kudos man, awesome call.

Joe McCall:

We’re getting great comments on here. I’ll go ahead and stay online and answer some of these questions just by writing in here if you want.

Jason Medley:

Okay, cool. Yeah, lots of thank yous. “Freaking awesome call. You did not lie when you said it would be 100% content, thank you so much. Put the replay up ASAP. I was writing my butt off. See you on Facebook, Jason. We’ll go to your page. Does he offer this as a program?” That is a true comment guys. I’m not trying to sell anything. If you do want to learn really step by step what Joe does, Joe do you have a website you can give folks to go if they want to buy your system or whatever?

Joe McCall:

Yeah, I have two websites. I have a course that I created on wholesaling lease options.

Jason Medley:

Why don’t you type it up there? “Thank you, I feel we earned a Master’s degree. Wonderful presentation.”

Joe McCall: is one of them. In case you are interested I have a $97.00 a month academy where you get all of my stuff in weekly modules here.

I also have a podcast, The podcast is a bunch of really good free stuff. One good thing about the podcast is there on that website is a bonus. We have free videos on there. I give a crash course on how I flip lease options.

I’d say go to first and you can get access to these videos we created, they’re free, on how I flip lease options, how my co-host does traditional wholesaling. We talk on there and we actually have a whole video on how we find, hire, and train our virtual assistants. We talk about the marketing that we do.

My co-host, Alex Youngblood does some pretty crazy things. His VA actually makes offers to all of his sellers on the phone. VAs call all the sellers back, they take the tax assessed value or the Zillow value, they multiply it by 70% and subtract $30,000.00 for repairs and make an offer. If the seller expresses some interest, then they pass it on to Alex. These VAs are just making the offers right there on the phone by looking at Zillow, multiplying by 70%, subtracting $30,000.00 for repairs.

There are so many things you can do in this business. You can wholesale properties from anywhere in the world.

If there’s anybody still on, we still have a ton of people on.

Jason Medley:

I know. Joe, if you would email me that spreadsheet where you kind of broke out your income goal, I’ll get that put up on our webpage and send that to everybody who attended, as well.

This was awesome. I have to tell you, Joe, I’m thinking about starting up a membership program where instead of people paying thousands and thousands of dollars for courses all the time, maybe just a couple hundred bucks to get content calls like this twice a month. The comments, when I go into Go To Meeting the comments that will be in the attendee report, what social proof that will be, right?

Joe McCall:

I need to save these and print them or something.

Jason Medley:

I’ll send them to you, brother.

Joe McCall:

Please do that. I need to save these.

Jason Medley:

Yeah, give me a day or two and I’ll get it all over to you.

Joe McCall:

I’m tired, actually. I don’t see any more questions here. We’ve pretty much answered all of them.

Somebody asked if the sales techniques I was using, if it was the Quad Diamond Guts system. Yeah, Quad Diamond is one of my mentors. Everything I’ve learned about talking to sellers I learned from him. It’s funny that somebody recognized that.

Jason Medley:

Gang, we’re shutting it off. Please know I appreciate you, that’s why I do these things. I’m very, very grateful to everybody. You guys follow me, put your faith in me, and put your trust in me. I don’t take it for granted and I hope everybody has a blessed night. I hope this call impacted you. I hope it changes your business. I hope it changes your life and I hope it changes the way you think about what you can and can’t accomplish. You are not built to be anything other than successful. That’s what I always say to myself. God did not build me to be a failure; he only built me to be successful.

I hope that you will hold that in your hearts and just get out and take life by storm. As Joe has shown you, it can be done.

We’re signing off. Thanks.