Mass Influence - The Habits of the Highly Influential by Teresa de Grosbois - HTML preview

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Here’s the Overview

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“If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter.”

—Blaise Pascal

I know many of you will browse through a book and look for a list of guidelines to follow. The “10 Habits of Influential People” are summarized below and further expanded upon in later chapters. Following the habits alone does not necessarily equal success, however, because you will also need a deeper understanding of the boundaries with each habit—the unspoken rules and common mistakes.

Unspoken rules follow each habit and some will be obvious while others will be easier to forget. Common mistakes include behaviors that would work for you in many situations, but not when dealing with the influential. These will help you know what to avoid.

Read over the habits, unspoken rules and common mistakes and consider reading them each day until every word is working to your advantage. The following is your list of etiquette to becoming influential; the wind that spreads the flames into a wildfire.

Read This Next

You likely bought this book with a vision of something you wanted to create in your business or your life. Here is a way you can put this in action right now, as you read this book.

With the purchase of Mass Influence, you also received a complimentary tuition to The 30 Day Influence Challenge.

This fun, engaging online training course supports the learning you will do in this book by having you complete 30 daily, five-minute exercises. If you haven’t already, please visit to sign up.

Included with this program are downloadable versions of the exercises in this book and ongoing daily influence builders. All are easy to do in two minutes or less.

The 10 Habits of Highly Influential People

Habit # 1: Playing Big

Influential People:

  • Are of high service to others (i.e., they solve a big problem for others).
  • Focus on that problem to the exclusion of all else.
  • Are confident. They know their fear is of no use to others.

Habit #2: Authenticity

Influential People:

  • Do something they deeply care about.
  • Only play with others they deeply respect.

Habit #3: One-to-Many

Influential People:

  • Spend much of their time communicating in a one-to-many scenario (i.e., audience or following somewhere).

Habit #4: Influence is a Currency

Influential People:

  • Use influence as a currency of relationship building, i.e., the currency of influencers is influence. Accumulate currency to spend on your relationships with influencers.

Habit #5: Building Powerful Relationships with Other Influencers

Influential People:

  • Influential people assertively seek out and build relationships with other influential people who they respect and admire, regardless of the area in which they hold influence.

Habit #6: Understanding the Cycle of Reciprocity

Influential People:

  • Build powerful relationships through powerful cycles of reciprocity.

Habit #7: Connecting the Connectors

Influential People:

  • Consistently connect the connectors.

Habit #8: Become a Hub for Other Influencers

Influential People:

  • Serve their community of influencers by becoming a hub for other influencers.

Habit #9: Engaging and Enrolling Others

Influential People:

  • Are masters at engaging and enrolling others. They can sell an idea or vision and inspire you to take action toward it.

Habit #10: Influencers Take Action

Influential People:

  • Routinely and repetitively take action toward their goals. When they do not know what actions to take, they take the action of seeking guidance.