Metaverse Made Simple by Archi Mackfly - HTML preview

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Chapter 5: How the Metaverse Will Transform the Future

The use and implementation of the metaverse is going to transform lives and the way that our world works. Even with how little we know about the metaverse itself, we know that if it is implemented in even a fraction of the ways that people say it will be, then things aren’t going to be the same. Here’s some of the ways that our future will be transformed once we get into the metaverse.


One of the biggest benefits that the metaverse has for us is the ability of communication and connection. Two people in different areas of the world will be able to get into the same room and feel like they are there, additionally, the room they are in will feel like a room.

For example, instead of all 12 employees of a company getting in one singular room in the real world to have a meeting like many companies do, the metaverse will allow for a completely virtual meeting. Only instead of going on Zoom and staring at one another through screens, they will be able to sit in a virtual meeting room and communicate as their avatars.

Meanwhile, all twelve employees will be in twelve different areas of the world, all logged into the metaverse and sitting in their rooms… while their avatars are in the meeting. This will transform when and how we all go to work, because people won’t need to go to offices and see one another in person. Instead they can simply log in and see one another virtually.

Remote Work

With the metaverse, nearly every single job will have some virtual option, making most jobs location independent and able to be done by freelancers. You might live in Georgia and work in Canada for a company, except you won’t need to move there because all your work is in the Metaverse.

Health and Defense

VR systems are already in use to train active duty soldiers in combat scenarios without the expensive and time consuming ‘live-fire’ exercises. Headsets allow and will allow soldiers in a combat zone to see the terrain from the POV of their enemies or from themselves, rather than having to huddle over a battlemap or inspect a crudely redone combat zone.

This will also allow for soldiers to train in scenarios or run through missions as realistically as possible without having to risk harming themselves by accidents. With the Metaverse, the ability of soldiers to place themselves in the combat zone without harming themselves will be greatly increased.

The medical industry is also using VR technology to train surgeons on complicated medical procedures, and even to perform operations with surgeons who are far away from their patient. If a patient needs open heart surgery in New York and the most qualified doctor is 5 states away, the doctor can use VR to make the surgery, with his actions being mirrored by medical robots that are on site.

How Things Are Built and Tested

Finally, since the metaverse is going to be extremely realistic, it allows manufacturers and companies to test new concepts without the risk of wasting hardware or harming people with faulty technology. They can build and test everything they need, or make plans, and once everything is confirmed in the metaverse, then the item can be built in the real world.

Nearly everything about how we work will either change if not be completely overhauled by the introduction of the metaverse, and it will be very interesting to see what opportunities arise.

Personal lives

You probably remember how the world changed with the introduction of the Smartphone, and then with the introduction of VR. Well, the Metaverse will add another change to how people spend free time. You will be able to climb mountains, swim in lakes, walk cities all around the world, and talk to people from everywhere, and you will be able to feel like you are there.

The Metaverse doesn’t just want you to ‘see’ the world that you are walking in, but it wants to engage your other senses as well. You will be able to smell, hear, touch and even taste the items you want to interact with. You’ll need smart clothing, a haptic bodysuit (the same type of sensor suit worn in most movies), and a headset, but there’s no limit to how real the world of the metaverse can feel.

Additionally, you could even take on different forms. Remember pretending to be a monkey in the backyard when you were a kid, and the backyard was a large jungle in your imagination?

Well, in the metaverse you can take on the form of a monkey and swing through the treetops. Or you could play virtual sports not as yourself, but as your favorite sports star.

Talking and Learning

You could meet up with long lost friends, communicate with experts, and even learn from the greats in the metaverse. It wouldn’t just be about physical experiences, but you could learn a lot from the mental side of things too. From going to great libraries, to attending classes, to joining events in the metaverse about your favorite topic, you could learn whatever you wanted. Also, imagine finding the avatar of someone you never thought you would ever see again in the metaverse? Wouldn’t that be great, because even if you and your friend are halfway around the world from one another physically, the metaverse would allow you to connect as easily as if you were neighbors.