Metaverse Made Simple by Archi Mackfly - HTML preview

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Chapter 7: Personalize Work and Education

Of course, the metaverse isn’t just going to be for fun and games, but it will also be for education and work as well. If you want to focus on building how you work and learn, the extreme customizability of the metaverse will allow you to do so. The sky is going to be the limit for these things, so don’t be afraid to hop in and enjoy all it has to offer!

The internet changed quite a lot of how people work and learn in the world, and the metaverse is going to increase the opportunity that you get!

Virtual workspaces

Have you ever been denied a job because the workplace was on site and it was in a place you didn’t, or couldn’t move to?

Have you ever found that your dream job was wrecked by your commute too and from work? Do you spend too much time in the car and not enough in your office? If so, then the Metaverse might hold some answers for you.

The metaverse will allow you to work whenever and wherever you want, and you won’t have to worry about commute times, just your internet connection! If you want to work in Hong Kong while living in New York, then you can. Your avatar will simply be connected to the virtual workplace in Hong Kong while you sit on your couch.

Or you can set up meetings with your co-workers or project managers, but instead of having to carve time out of your busy schedule, you can simply pull their avatars into the metaverse and have a communication. Additionally, you will be sitting in a virtual area that looks exactly like your traditional office, so even though everyone else might be on their couches or in their homes, the virtual environment will be one of work.

This will help keep the productivity of your workers high, because anyone working from home can tell you that working alone can be a pit of distractions! However, if you are sitting in a virtual office, most people will work a lot faster and won’t be as distracted.

You can have any job you want in the metaverse, because every single job is going to be at least influenced by this technology. You won’t be limited by location or by anything else, only the technology that you have access to.

Online curriculums and virtual classrooms

When it comes to education, you might not find that traditional education exists in the Metaverse. Rather than applying for colleges or curriculums in the real world, you might find various ways to educate yourself in the Metaverse. For example, teachers and those who want to teach and share knowledge (either for free or by being paid) will be able to do so.

The reach of education is going to be more generalized and available than ever before, and you might be able to learn more than you could ever want to without paying massive prices. The idea of online education can be very powerful if done right, and the metaverse could allow people to learn everything they could ever want.

Plus, you might not be learning about the subjects, but also experiencing them. Imagine if you want to learn all about carpentry. A teacher in a virtual classroom could teach and talk to you all about how carpentry works, but after a few minutes every single student would get the same tools and the same piles of wood. Then you will virtually get your hands dirty with some tool work as you try and build.

This won’t just be education that you learn about through lectures and voices, but through actually going back into simulations of the past and seeing what life was really like. It’s a form of educational and virtual time travel, and could be very important for both the young and the old students who want to learn.

After all, this could be a massive form of active learning that also helps to keep the students engaged and also wanting to ensure that they learn more. Using the metaverse for all sorts of education could be very interesting, and also could be very socially active as well, bringing students together to help fully learn.

Technology required

With education and virtual learning being a key component of the metaverse, most companies are more than likely going to try to lower the barrier for entry and ensure that most people are going to be able to access the education that they need.

However, you will still more than likely need a headset and some accounts to ensure that you can access the metaverse.