More Time and More Money by Aurelius Tjin - HTML preview

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50 Get rid of distractions.

Eliminate all the unnecessary distractions such as IM and email alerts, Twitter and other social networking sites. In fact, if possible, you should consider turning off the Internet. You can also wear headphones so you wil not be distracted with regular office noise.

18 More Time, More Money

51 Keep meetings to 30 minutes or less.

One of the most common and biggest time-‐wasters are meetings that could be easily accomplished with a phone cal or an email. If possible, beg out of meetings, or if you cal the shots, eliminate them if it’s not critically important.

52 Only try to check your email once or twice a day.

Avoid constantly going through your emails al throughout the day. Allocate a time to go through your mail at the start of your day and check back an hour before you leave. If you keep on sending unimportant emails, you are creating major distractions to recipients and affecting the productivity of everyone, including yourself.

53 When at home, turn off your television.

One of the most effective ways to save you both time and money is to watch less television. This gives you more time to take care of more important things or seek a more rewarding hobby instead of watching all those guilt-‐inducing ads.

54 Go over your personal collection and check out which ones you can get rid and sell.

Turn a critical eye and determine if there are duplicates or items that you are wil ing to sel . While you are at it, how about considering cutting down the time you spend on your hobby and look for more profitable ventures? It would be great if you have a money-‐making hobby, or earn doing something you are passionate about. Who knows, this could open up a lot of great opportunities for you.

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55 Practice the 30-day rule when contemplating on making a purchase.

If you are tempted to splurge or treat yourself with a latest gadget wait for 30

days and ask yourself if you really want the item. Often, the urge wil pass away and you end up saving yourself a significant amount of money by waiting and not acting on impulse. It is important to train yourself to do away with the trivial and unnecessary purchases and save money on real y sound investments.

56 Avoid spending too much on entertaining your children.

Instead of caving in to the temptation of buying your child the latest video game or the coolest gadget to hit the market, focus on honing his creativity and appreciate simple and stimulating games. It is important for parents to realize that children do not need fancy gadgets to keep them happy, instead make great memories spending more time with them, making stuff and discovering new things. You wil definitely find these alternatives cheaper and more rewarding.

57 Contact your credit card company then ask for a rate reduction.

Choose any of your cards that are carrying a balance and cal up the company number at the back part. Negotiate for an interest reduction or you wil contemplate on taking your business elsewhere. If the person you talk to wil not be able to accommodate your request, then ask for the supervisor. When you think about it, if you have $5, 000 worth of balance with a 3% reduction rate, you can potentially save $150 every year.

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