Top Leadership Qualities/Skills That Make Good Leaders
"A leader is a person you will follow to a place you would not go by yourself."
Joel Barker
By Sarmad Hasan
Everybody defines leadership differently but I really like the way John C Maxwell defines leadership, “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”
15 Leadership Qualities That Make Good Leaders
1. Honesty and Integrity. Honesty and integrity are two important ingredients which make a good leader. How can you expect your followers to be honest when you lack these qualities yourself?
2. Confidence. To be an effective leader, you should be confident enough to ensure that other follow your commands. If you are unsure about your own decisions and qualities, then your subordinates will never follow you.
3. Inspire Others. Probably the most difficult job for a leader is to persuade others to follow. It can only be possible if you inspire your followers by setting a good example. When the going gets tough, they look up to you and see how you react to the situation.
4. Commitment and Passion. Your teams look up to you and if you want them to give them their all, you will have to be passionate about it too. When your teammates see you getting your hands dirty, they will also give their best shot. It will also help you to gain the respect of your subordinates and infuse new energy in your team members.
5. Good Communicator. Until you clearly communicate your vision to your team and tell them the strategy to achieve the goal, it will be very difficult for you to get the results you want. Simply put, if you are unable to communicate your message effectively to your team, you can never be a good leader.
6. Decision-Making Capabilities. Apart from having a futuristic vision, a leader should have the ability to take the right decision at the right time. Decisions taken by leaders have a profound impact on masses. A leader should think long and hard before taking a decision but once the decision is taken, stand by it.
7. Accountability. When it comes to accountability, you need to follow the approach highlighted by Arnold H Glasow when he said, “A good leader takes little more than his share of the blame and little less than his share of the credit.”
8. Delegation and Empowerment. You cannot do everything, right. It is important for a leader to focus on key responsibilities while leaving the rest to others. By that, I mean empowering your followers and delegating tasks to them. Delegate tasks to your subordinates and see how they perform. Provide them with all the resources and support they need to achieve the objective and give them a chance to bear the responsibility.
9. Creativity and Innovation. What separates a leader from a follower? Steve Jobs, the greatest visionary of our time answers this question this way, “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” In order to get ahead in today’s fast-paced world, a leader must be creative and innovative at the same time.
10. Empathy. Last but certainly not the least, is empathy. Leaders should develop empathy with their followers. Unfortunately, most leaders follow a dictatorial style and neglect empathy altogether. Due to this, they fail to make a closer connection with their followers.
11. Resilience. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. You might have heard this adage many times, but did you know that great leaders also follow this rule. They are resilient and have a positive attitude. While most people are busy in complaining about the problems, great leaders always focus on solutions, not the problems.
12. Emotional Intelligence. Good leaders always have higher influence but how do they increase their influence on the point where people accept what they say. They do this by connecting with people emotionally. That is where emotional intelligence comes into play.
13. Humility. A good leader is always selfless and always thinks about his or her followers. That is why the leadership styles that most great leaders adopt put lots of emphasis on problem-solving and team dynamics instead of focusing on self-promotion.
14. Transparency. One of the best ways to win the trust of your followers is by being transparent. Instead of hiding information, you should openly share it with them. By giving visibility to your followers, they will buy into your vision and support you with conviction in achieving the goal.
15. Vision and Purpose. Good leaders always have a vision and purpose. They not only visualize the future themselves but also share their vision with their followers.
According to Integrity and Values--20 Leadership Traits
1. Truthfulness. Truthfulness is an essential trait for great leaders. Your capacity to be open, honest and forthright is a measure of your leadership. Telling the truth with zero tolerance for dishonesty in others is your hallmark.
2. Responsibility. True leadership means 100% responsibility for your actions. Total ownership even when the outcome is undesirable. High scores in this attribute gives you the most freedom as a leader.
3. Accountability. In this trait we are measuring your capacity as a leader to hold others accountable for the results they promised. Your ability to notice and not walk past unmet deadlines or commitments will have the team operate at a high level.
4. Loyalty. As a leader making decisions for the greater good where you can put aside your personal needs or goals is Loyalty. Loyalty means the leader serves the organization, not the individuals in it.
5. Self-Awareness Great leaders can self-reflect. Their introspection allows them to be aware of their impact on others and the organization.
6. Impression Management. Leaders must understand the importance of being seen in a favorable light – not by empty popularity, but by doing the right thing with others.
7. Vision. A leader has to have a vision. Great ones are able to see possibilities and identify opportunities but don’t stop there. Great leaders turn ideas into action.
8. Assertiveness. Assertiveness done right has great impact on leadership. Leaders are to express their opinions confidently, irrespective of relationship. They are to stand up for self even in difficult situations. Good leaders know the power of, No, when it is most necessary.
9. Personal Happiness. Leadership means leading a life influence, and a successful one starts with contentment. When an individual is happy with his current life circumstance, he can look at the future without fear that hinders.
10. Self-Belief. Leaders need the sort of self-belief that gives them confidence in their own skills and abilities, and expectation of success in most situations.
11. Ability to Talk. Good leaders enjoy talking with people. They are articulate and have no problem expressing their opinion.
12. Ability to Listen. There is nothing more attractive to a member than a leader who listens.
13. Appreciation. A leader is able to inspire by acknowledging others’ contribution, and by constantly offering positive and critical feedback.
14. Empathy. Empathy is an enviable trait. One who chooses to see the world through others’ eyes is able to provide support and build a sense of trust.
15. Networking. Networking is a requirement in today’s competitive environment.
16. Result Orientation. Leaders must be winners at heart. They should have clear goals, and are always geared towards achieving them.
17. Organization. It is imperative for any leader to stay organized. There must always be a schedule and structured approach to projects and plans. Effective leaders always know where things are.
18. Task Focus. Task-focused leaders get things done. Leaders are able to immerse themselves in work and maintain their focus.
19. Attention to Details. Sweat the small stuff. Leaders must be conscious to details, and be thorough, precise and accurate in their work.
20. Reliability. Reliable leaders keep the promises they make. They go beyond simply being individuals on top. They are punctual and do whatever it takes to meet deadlines and expectations.
According to
A leadership survey of company leaders around the world, the 10 skills that are critical to effective leadership are:
1. Leading People | 71% |
2. Strategic Planning | 64% |
3. Resourcefulness | 64% |
4. Doing whatever it takes | 64% |
5. Managing Change | 63% |
6. Inspiring Commitment | 62% |
7. Being a quick learner | 60% |
8. Decisiveness | 60% |
9. Building & Mending Relationships | 57% |
10. Composure | 57% |
Additional Reading
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them and People Will Follow You by John C. Maxwell and Steven R. Covey
Point of Reflection
What traits are holding you back from becoming a leader your people will follow?