Organizing Events on a Zero Budget by Ovanes Ovanessian - HTML preview

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Welcome to the first edition of Organizing Events on a Zero Budget.  My name is Ovanes and I’m the Co-founder of Weemss  - a new generation event registration software.

This book is a collective effort from our team to bring you a deeper  understanding of what really makes events tick, as well as share  some advanced tips and tricks on organizing them. You may ask  why should you take advice from a company that develops event  registration software, even if it’s one as excellent as Weemss. The  answer is simple - all of us come with years of experience in event planning, organizing and marketing. We love unique events that challenge our perceptions and we are weary of the ordinary. But enough about us!

If you’re in the event business this book is for you. If you want to be in the event business this book is also for you. If you want your company to be competitive and smart when organizing an event - this book is definitely for you!

Organizing an event seems like an easy job only to those who’ve never had to do it. It can be a gruelling task for the unprepared, but it can also be a fun and exciting experience when you know how to do it. Most of the material you’re going to read here can be applied in any situation regardless of event budget, but we wanted to approach the task in the most difficult of scenarios, where we are organizing an event without a single cent to spend - from zero.“
