Organizing Events on a Zero Budget by Ovanes Ovanessian - HTML preview

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you have an idea for an event and you want to be sure people will show interest and buy tickets for it. The early developmental stage of the event is all about identifying these main aspects:


Why are you organizing this event?

Organizing any event should always be based on the premise that someone out there needs such an event and wants to attend one. So the first question should always be - Is there a market for this event? If the idea is relevant and interesting, chances are people will show up - the answer to the next question should tell you if the event will actually sell.

Who is this event for?

It is really, really important to identify who your event is suitable for. This is key to understanding what their expectations and needs are going to be. Solid knowledge of your target audience will be a major factor at nearly every consequent stage of organizing and managing the event. Every true event professional knows that people are the real measure of success, not profits, that is why we have dedicated a whole chapter on ‘How to Know Your Event Audience and Why You Need to’ (Chapter 3).

Where will the event take place?

Choosing the venue can present the first actual stumbling block on your way to organizing the event on a zero budget. While not an insurmountable challenge, we still think it requires a more detailed analysis and we’ll touch on the subject further in the book.

When will the event be held?

The date and the duration of the event are no trivial matters. First of all, make sure is that you’ve given yourself enough time to actually organize the event. Then there are a few things you need to consider when choosing a date for your event:

• are there any similar events on or around that date?

• can you negotiate for the venue to be free at that date and time?

• are the performers (speakers, artists, acts) that you’re inviting available in that period?