Paid Surveys for Moms Dads & Teens - A Quick Guide to Making Money Taking Paid Surveys Online by M.Brown - HTML preview

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Chapter One

Why Your Opinion Matters The Most to Companies?

You might ask yourself, "why do they need me to answer all of these damn questions about products and services?" and "how do they make money if they're paying me plus millions of others around the world to take these things?"

Well to answer the first question, "why do they need me to answer all of these damn questions about products and services?..."

Major corporations like: Nike, Sony and Apple etc. need your opinions on how their products are performing. You are the end consumer who's buying the products or services, so your feedback is very crucial to them. Your opinions you provide them with in the form of a survey not only helps improve on the products, but at the same time getting exclusive details to help beat out their competitors. The number of people who don't like a particular product vs. the numbers who do, would be recorded using data to help them make improvements. This kind of important information is what makes a company stay alive in the end!

How do survey companies make money if they're paying me and plus millions of others?...

Corporations who are providing the surveys pay the site when you complete the surveys. The site actually doesn't get paid until you get paid. For example, when you're ready to redeem a cash payment, a predetermined amount is already taken from the site to pay you. Sort of like a commission percentage from them to you. All in all, they really need you to complete the surveys so that they can make money as well. It is why many include referral programs so you can sign up as many people possible. Some panels have a minimum threshold you need to meet before redeeming for cash. This is usually the case with all paid survey panels as I will go into further detail later.


The 3 different types of surveys

This ebook is particularly about online surveys, but you will encounter a total 3 other types of panels to make money, with such as:

Online Surveys- You give your opinions in an online survey panel. It’s easy money and just about anyone can do it!

Focus Groups
- You participate in an interview conducted among a small number of individuals, sometimes over a brief period of time. These discussions can involve any topic of interest and they usually pay the most.

Shopping Surveys
- You are actually paid to shop at stores or to eat at restaurants! This is also nicknamed “mystery shopping.” All you need to do is fill out a questionnaire about your customer experience.

You can get paid:


$1 - $75 to take online surveys

$10 - $50 to participate in shopping surveys


$20 - $250 to participate in focus groups

The best surveys pay up to $250 an hour are focus groups because these companies know this information will give them an edge in the market and they will make more profit for themselves. For the purpose of this ebook, I will focus only on online surveys.