Passion to Profits: How to Start a Profitable Online Business That You Love by Ron - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

Choosing a Domain Name

Choosing a domain name (your website name, i.e. URL) is very important. You want to create something that is memorable and relates to your topic. Plus, it still has to be available. For example, the domain name for the site I am using for this course is “”. I could have made it

“” or even “”. Using the numbers breaks it up nicely and still makes it easy to remember. Plus it relates to what the site is all about.

Almost any site that hosts websites also offers a domain name service. Meaning you can do a search directly through them and if the site is available, you can also purchase it through them. Domain names are very inexpensive. (Typically between $15 and $20 per year. Even less if you pay for several years in advance)

The next step is to write down, in your journal, some ideas you have for a domain name. If you are not the creative type you can go to this website for help: Click on their “Domain Name Generator” and follow the instructions. It will not only give you a lot of ideas for names but it will tell you which ones are still available. Even if you came up with a name on your own; go to this site to see if that name is available.

On that site, if you click on the domain name that you want, it will ask you if you would like to purchase that name and give you several hosting options. I am going to recommend that you NOT purchase the name from them. The reason is if you do purchase it you are going to have to transfer it to a different hosting site and that can be tricky if you have never done it before.

I am going to make this very easy for you and have you purchase your domain name from the same hosting site so no transfer is required. But I will get to that in the next lesson.