Passion to Profits: How to Start a Profitable Online Business That You Love by Ron - HTML preview

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Chapter 7

Tips for a Great Website

  • Appearance – Easy to read text, smart use of graphics/photos, simplicity
  • Content – You have about 10 seconds to grab your viewer’s attention.

 Your content must answer these questions in the first 10 seconds:

 1. What does this company/person do?

 2. Does it have what I’m looking for?

 3. What’s in it for me?

  • Functionality – It must be easy to navigate.
  • Usability – Clear navigation tabs, short text, bold headlines, and a clear sidebar menu.
  • Opt-in Box - This is where you offer your ‘lead magnet’. There MUST be a clear call to action. (See chapter on automating your site)
  • Headlines must be compelling.