Passion to Profits: How to Start a Profitable Online Business That You Love by Ron - HTML preview

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Chapter 10

Automating Your Website

I am now going to explain how to add an opt-in box, email collector and auto– responder to your site.

There are many companies that provide these services and I recommend researching as many as you want. I am going to recommend two of them.

The first is a FREE service. Here is their website:

Mailchimp’s service is free for your first 2,000 subscribers. Certainly more than enough to handle your needs for many months. Go to their website and look around. You will see that they offer a lot of value.

It will allow you to create a custom opt-in box to collect emails. It will show you how to ‘load’ it on to your website. It is very easy to do. And if you get stuck, you can always contact customer service and they can assist you.

You can also create newsletters (blogs) to send out to customers on a regular basis. Just a couple of clicks and you can send it out to everyone on your list. They also have an auto-responder service. Which means you can send messages to the subscribers on your list automatically.

It will take you a while to learn how to use this service but in time it will become second nature to you and very easy to use. You cannot run an online business without using an auto-responder service.

The second service I am going to recommend can be found here:

In my opinion Aweber is a step up from Mailchimp. It does everything they do plus a little more. The basic service, which I use, costs $19 per month. Their customer service is outstanding. And their tutorials and instructions are easy to understand. I was even able to set up everything myself. (So you know it must be easy).

My recommendation is to review both and pick the one that suits you best. (I am not an affiliate of either one).

After you choose and set up your auto-responder service you will be ready to start building an audience. That is the topic for your next lesson.