Passion to Profits: How to Start a Profitable Online Business That You Love by Ron - HTML preview

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Chapter 15

What’s Next?

It is going to take 4 things in order for you to create a successful online business:

First, it is going to take a BURNING DESIRE. This has to be something that you want very, very much. You have to be so sick and tired of being stuck that you are willing to do whatever it takes to make that change.

Aren’t you tired of someone else being in control of your life? Not having the freedom to live life on your own terms. The freedom to watch your children grow up; to create great memories for you and your family; freedom from the stress; freedom to have the extra money to really enjoy life; freedom to pursue your passions. This is the life you were meant to live!

A burning desire is something that I cannot give you. You either have it or you don’t. So, how bad do you want it?

Second, you need BELIEF. If you do not believe it is possible to achieve this then you will never make that attempt. You will only accomplish in life what you belief you can accomplish.

The truth is that your potential is unlimited. The only limitations are the ones you put on yourself. There are thousands of people running a successful on-line business. If others can do it so can you.

Third, you need KNOWLEDGE. You need to know how it’s done. This is why this book was created. But don’t stop here. Continue to learn as much as you can about running and growing your online business.

The fourth thing you need is this: You have to be willing to DO THE WORK. This is not a get rich quick plan nor is it something that happens ‘automatically’ by some ‘magic formula’ that doesn’t exist. It takes effort.

If you put in the ‘front end’ effort and do the work, imagine the payoff: Escaping that soul-sucking job; controlling your own destiny; financial independence.

Isn’t it worth busting your butt for a year or two knowing that you will have the rest of your life to reap the rewards? The answer is, ‘yes’. In fact, as long as you do the work, you can only fail if you give up.

If you want it badly enough you will put in the time to make it happen. It’s your future and it is under your control. That’s the whole point; to be in control of your own destiny so you can create for yourself a life of joy, purpose and abundance. The life you were meant to live.

It takes time and work but the payoff is life changing. Are you in? Remember, nothing changes until you do.

If you would like additional help from me:

Go to my website: and check out the free resources there, as well as my Step-by-Step Guided Coaching Program.

If you have any questions you can reach me at

I wish you joy and success,

 Ron Schaffer