Passive Income Game Plan by David Baer - HTML preview

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Congratulations! You are taking the first step toward making a significant change in your life… one that most people never even consider.


This report is designed to introduce you to the wonders of passive income, and to demonstrate how simple an idea it is to incorporate into ANYBODY’s life.


This is NOT about getting rich quick (though it’s possible that may happen).



Rather, it’s an introduction to SMART BUSINESS CONCEPTS that every successful entrepreneur understands and takes advantage of.


It’s about doing the hard work once in order to generate ongoing income in the future.


I wrote this report because just a few short years ago, I was totally ignorant of this world and the possibilities within it. At the time, I had a great job with a terrific company… and I never thought about any other life.


But one day, the job was gone. The company folded, and I was out on the street.


The economy wasn’t great (sound familiar?), and the new job options I could consider required relocating to another city... a thought I was not willing to consider.


I scraped by for a while, but was clearly going nowhere fast.


That all changed when I got a mysterious phone message. A message that lead me to my role today as someone who is nicely positioned with multiple sources of passive income, with more being added regularly.


What was the phone message? It’s actually not that important… but I’ll get to that in a little while.


The fact is that people all over the world have experienced stories like mine…


Or worse: they are STUCK IN JOBS THEY HATE, and are looking for a way out.


For many, creating a passive income is not only possible, but it’s more accessible than you might imagine.


But without a clear GAME PLAN, most find it incredibly difficult to stay on course… to actually achieve the lifestyle they are after. Does that describe you? (It certainly described me when I got started.)


Maybe you’re struggling to find the time to get going. Maybe you don’t know where to start, or maybe, like me, you’ve had many false starts, and want to find that one clear path that’s going to finally work for you.


Whatever it is that has held you back so far, I’m here to help. My goal in writing this report is put you on a solid path to developing your own passive income game plan.


There are, of course, literally thousands of ways you can do it and in this report I’ll only be scratching the surface of what’s possible.


Thanks to the efficiencies and automation possible through the internet, many solutions are available online. But there are also real world, offline options as well. We’ll be covering do-it-yourself as well as done-for-you passive income businesses (including several of the ones I use) that you can get started in right away.


It’s important to understand that this is in now way an exhaustive list, but rather, a starting point to ensure that you get on… and stay on a path to success.


So let’s dive in…