Passive Income Game Plan by David Baer - HTML preview

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The Done-For-You Game Plan


Remember when I told you earlier that my vision is about sharing information that can help people? Well education is actually the cornerstone of my online passive income generation…. and you’ll see why in a moment.


Imagine, for a moment, a gathering of the top leaders in internet marketing, with their collective strengths in:










Now there are some amazingly talented and successful internet marketers out there. People I respect, and aspire to accomplish a fraction of what they have…


…people like Frank Kern, Jeremy Frandsen, Jason Van Orden, Ryan Deiss, & Pat Flynn, just to name a few superstars. I’m on all their email lists (and if you’re not, you should be too… because their emails alone can teach you a ton - just watch out for those shiny objects).


I’ve bought their products, taken their courses, watched their videos, and applied lots of elements of what I’ve learned…




I have not done everything they’ve taught.




It’s hard. It’s time consuming, I’m busy. I get distracted. But most important, I like automation.


So when my friend Chris Jones, an accomplished marketer, strategist, motivational speaker, and systems developer, announced he had created a true done-for-you solution incorporating the best practices of marketers like the ones I just mentioned… I was ecstatic.


Because I knew that Chris would only deliver the highest quality. And I was right.


Within days of announcing it to my email list, I had 71 people jump on board. And that was just the start.


Chris and his team have developed a true franchise-style internet business, where ANYONE with a modest budget and the ability to follow a road map can thrive.


But I’m not doing Chris’ done-for-you system justice here. You need to see it for yourself to understand the power of what his team has created.


Discover the done-for-you solution that I’m using by clicking here


Bringing it all together


In case you have forgotten, everything we’ve been talking about here is intended to support the development of a true passive income game plan. That plan does not stop with generating an online income. Once you have achieved the semi-passive income discussed here… and maybe even scaled it up a bit, you will have resources that you can dedicate specifically to investing in other income vehicles. As a reminder these vehicles include real estate, stocks, commodities, annuities, retirement savings, etc.


As I said at the beginning, we have only touched the tip of the iceberg here… but I hope this report has sparked lots of ideas, and that you are now on the path to achieving the passive income goals you most desire.


Oh, and in the event that you got ahold of this report in some way other than by signing up for the PASSIVE INCOME GAME PLAN newsletter (and that’s okay if you did), I’d like to invite you to head on over to the website and sign up now, so you can benefit from the latest updates on the site and new ideas and opportunities in and around passive income.



And I also want to invite you to become an active contributor in the PASSIVE INCOME GAME PLAN community. The three best ways you can do so are:

1)Comment on the PIGP Blog

2)Participate on the PIGP Facebook Page

3)Contact me with questions and ideas


Thanks again for reading, and I look forward to being a part of your journey creating and realizing your own PASSIVE INCOME GAME PLAN.

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