Pinch Like You Mean It! 101 Ways to Spend Less Money Now by Dr. Penny Pincher - HTML preview

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Tip 32: Stop smoking

Cigarettes are expensive- over $5 for a pack in most places.  Many people who smoke go through a pack or two a day, so the expense of smoking is like making a car payment.  Everyone knows smoking causes serious health problems.  Cigarettes are one of the few products that will kill you when used according to the directions.  If makes me sad to see young people smoke- they are ruining their health for no good reason.

If you smoke a pack a day and quit smoking, you'll save at least $150 per month just on the cost of cigarettes.  You'll save much more in terms of improved health and quality of life.  If you are a smoker, start with this tip, it will save you the most.

