Pinch Like You Mean It! 101 Ways to Spend Less Money Now by Dr. Penny Pincher - HTML preview

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Tip 43: Cut down on coffee

Even though I was brewing my own coffee, I was drinking about 32 oz each morning.  That is a lot of coffee and a lot of caffeine.  I would carry a 16 oz mug and a thermos with another 16 oz of coffee.  I would stop half way to work to fill my cup on my drive to work.  I remember my doctor’s eyebrows going up when I told him how much coffee I was drinking.

I gradually cut back to 16 oz of coffee a day.  Since coffee has caffeine, changing the amount you consume can cause headaches and other symptoms.  I gradually reduced the amount I was drinking until I could get by on a 16 oz cup.  This reduced my coffee expense from $1.20 per day to 60 cents per day.  If you are buying coffee at a coffee shop, you could save $2 per day by dropping form 2 cups per day to one cup per day.

The “gradually cutting back” part is important if you want to reduce the amount of coffee you are drinking.  I have tried at times to suddenly cut back.  I get headaches and then go back to my usual amount.  What works will for me is gradually cut back on the amount of regular coffee grounds.  You can either just drink less coffee, or use some decaf coffee grounds and reduce the ratio of regular coffee to decaf coffee over time.

Since I have cut back to one 16 oz cup of coffee per day, I get decaf when I want to have a second cup to warm up.  I think this is about the right amount of coffee for me, and I can handle the 60 cents per day cost.

