Profit Streams- 21 Powerful Ways to Make a Living Online by MRR - HTML preview

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6. Web Design

Because first impressions count, all websites need good web design. However, not all websites are created equal. Some are nicer to look at, some are so-so, and others look outdated or just plain yuck.

Web design can pay a lot, but you will need to compete with many strong web designers. This should not be a discouragement, but a challenge that can be overcome!

In web design, you will have to concern yourself greatly with things like layout, color schemes, font faces and more. However, more important than the individual components of design is your ability to deliver a consistent look across all pages of the website.

There has to be a “theme” and also a seamless overall look that binds the whole website together. Even a slight shift in the position of the header or footer can be a jarring and unfavorable experience for the user.

Here are some things you will want to keep in mind: color theory, size and proportion of page elements, readability, bandwidth load, and user- friendliness. It’s a lot to keep in mind, but these are all essential for any great website design.

Discussing each of these would take a whole book in itself, so we had best leave them at that.

There’s a common joke about how web designers face problems with the translation of the clients’ wishes into the design. At most, this is only a half- joke. As a web designer, you will need to have very high quality communication with your client, and we are not talking about the clarity of your webcam and microphone.

You and your client should be able to converse and exchange ideas with each party understanding what’s being discussed. Without this communication, you will end up doing many revisions and facing much frustration.