Provocative Thoughts for Managers by Beppe Carrella - HTML preview

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labour, other people´s
sweat, you cut work to pieces, people´s dreams, to do what? Money! You make money by destroying other people´s dreams, but don´t you have any dreams of your own?” Despite the fact that he is instigated by his avid attorney, friend and business partner,
Edward discovers that he had dreams as a boy… “I always liked Lego, I always liked constructions… You are right… we do not
construct anything…”

For all times, men have distinguished themselves with their actions in two major categories:
constructors and
destructors, i.e. people who work and people who exploit other people´s work (predators). In the film Pretty Woman, we have yet another very clear example of the predator, who takes pleasure in destroying and cutting industrial enterprises into pieces, stabbing them and eating them up to ruin their owners. Destroy is the motto of the predator: destroy not to create other companies or other relations, not to construct new challenges, not to give new opportunities, but simply to get his hands on the economic value.


That which is offered at the beginning to each man is never equal. There are rich men and poor men, great men and small men, handsome and ugly men. In the card game it is fate to distribute the cards to each player for the game. Therefore it is up to the player to use his intelligence and his technique to obtain the maximum gain from it. The truth is that the most of what we do, give marginal results. That which really counts is the small part of our activities and if we concentrate on it, we can control events instead of being controlled, and thus obtain results that may be much higher. There are “data”: proper hereditary genes, one´s body, inclinations, but also the environment in which you are born or grow up in, which you do not choose, just like the colour of your eyes. Using these data, one must build one´s own life, culture, job – since, basically, one must live and do something in life. One must choose if it is better to desire something intensely, dream, make projects and try to realize them by taking the risk of failure or, instead, choosing to settle, to renounce, often even without having tried to play.

If there are two of us, this doesn’t mean that one is clever and the other one is stupid. We can both BE clever together.

Who would not like to be good enough to manage difficult situations in life in a winning manner? Who would not like to be a protagonist and not just an extra? Who does not dream not to be treated with indifference, not to be mixed with marmalade? It is not a question about being superheroes or leaders for enormous crowds, but simply to wish to fight tenaciously to be evaluated for our professionalism, for our commitment to be able to occupy the right place. Those that are built slowly, starting from initial “data”, from the biological imprint to the environment, built with daily application. It seems easy, but there is only one little, very small complication, it is almost insignificant: we must learn to recognize publicly the merits of others and praise them. There is no kind of balance for which there is a total sum of merits: if one takes a part, the other takes the difference. It is not so, in fact it is the exact contrary. To learn and recognize the merits of others, gives us the instruments to demand the recognition of our value. It is the only condition that allows us to construct, to grow with others to see a centimetre beyond others, to run first and leave the others behind to follow us. And this is the only way in which we can activate the positive cycle of our dreams: dreams as sharing and acceptance of the value of the individual, in order to make him become a collective game, the objective of which is to let things leave a sign. This is the dream that is constructive, that is capable of giving each one of us the destructive force of creation.

Therefore we are ready to recommence continuously in an eternal rollercoaster, in which the value increases for each turn for all participants. An ancient tale of native mestizo says: “One must never preoccupy oneself with occasions that pass before us, since there is time to do everything”. This is probably true if we manage to capture the few decisive powers that work within us and only in this way can we dose our efforts to multiply its efficiency. The idea that we have little time and the need to reach results within short leads to a doubt: is it not easier to destroy than to build? Of course it is! It is easy to destroy only if we are not capable of giving our dreams a chance.

“The game was ending, since the dreams were about to come true”.


(I read it somewhere, or maybe I said it sometime …)

