Provocative Thoughts for Managers by Beppe Carrella - HTML preview

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Can you reach the sun in fifty steps?


Because life is a shiver that flies away
It is stability beyond the insane
Beyond the insane

(“Sally” – Vasco Rossi)

In the film “1492: Conquest of Paradise” by Ridley Scott, Christopher Columbus, old and defeated, encounters the Treasurer of Spain which blames him for being a dreamer, an idealist. Then Columbus shows him the cities, the palaces, the great and small works of art and asks him what he sees. “Civilisation”, the Treasurer replies. “Well”, Columbus concludes, “all this was created by idealists like myself”. We need to imagine a new world to transform reality. To work with fantasy, make projects, invent things in your mind, have ideals. Dreams as a premise for reality, as an invention of the future. Dreams that occupy our daily spaces and encounters that which is the worst form of ostracism against change: bureaucracy. You can use bureaucracy to everything, even to the future. The bureaucrat is an able worker expert on useless things that unfortunately are necessary; he is capable of working showing everybody that he is as busy as can be.

He has only few, but very firm principles from which he never makes derogations: not decide and move sheets of paper (never writing anything). This is to simulate solving a problem and using experience and knowledge accumulated as a barrier towards action. Unless it is attached to true emotions, knowledge is purely decorative, bureaucratic, does not lead to marvel, but becomes pure ornaments of our lack of action. Maybe he is useful to identify somebody who makes an errors sometimes, in order to have a provisory saving and be able to say that it was evident things would end up that way.

Bureaucrats love immobility. To appear very little is another main
characteristic: he never uses his face directly, but lets others use theirs for him. This is a kind of closure in himself in
order to avoid desires, dreams,
making projects and trying to realize
them, since he is terrorized by the
risk of failure. Unfortunately for
others (companies, colleagues,
society), the cost of the useless
is very high and the only thing
we should hate is this
immobility, Since it represents
death for your companies, for
our team, for our dreams and
desires. Immobility has the same
function as the Pause key
(standby): it leaves everybody
standing by and then continues
exactly from the same point
without taking small changes,
small daily variations that at length
can make a difference, into
consideration. These small
differences, these small dreams that
often are generated through a solitary
rite and that you try to transform into a


collective rite, using your face. These minor
differences, these small dreams that cannot lead to a revolution or realize eloquent gestures, but only make sure that the patient and engaging work to take care of others by taking care of oneself emerges, committing oneself to let things last and letting them emerge from the torpor of laziness and the stagnation of immobility. In short, the patient work of letting things happen, to let dreams come true. Dreams that you obstinately try to share with others and make grow and to which you can give space inside a world of sceptic wise men.
Our life is made of bricks of daily events full of gestures, desires, dreams, intentions, voluntary acts, revelations, prejudices, reasoning and a quest for travelling companions. By using this mixture and continuing our wish to create rather than stopping it (as opposed to bureaucrats) and become messengers, divulgators ... Practically speaking we get a sane epidemic disease, we become agents capable of “infecting” and expand the wish to do, to aggregate. A sort of organizational epidemic disease made of messages and behaviour that spread thanks to people that are messengers and who with the example and their desires are capable of involving others. The immune system (bureaucrats) can definitely block this contagious epidemic disease, but cannot do anything against novelty, change, rapid execution and information passed by word of mouth. All this is possible if the context allows the epidemic disease to spread, to find space and grow. The context is the fruit of our efforts, of our wish to break rules letting the virus spread with a recognition of its creative force.

We can see all this as a desire to “go beyond” data, information, the wellknown and the acquisition, to return to feelings of marvel and astonishment which are present at the beginning of the search of a sense for all aspects, both banal ones and not, of our life. This desire spreads through the usage and the contamination of different courses: literature, cinema, music, art. Parallel roads that recycle its own specific nature in the same theme. Often, these courses are no longer parallel, but cross eachother to create bridges, the one can invade the other, thus creating confusion, equivocation, paradox, funny and dramatic situations. Then it is necessary to free all accumulated energy through these bridges, letting contamination spread and having a continuous energy flow from one activity to another, which is the sol condition to transform change into a new development model that everybody wants to affirm, make grow and develop.

In order to capture a dream it is not sufficient to visualize it, take it by its contours: you must live it, feel it onto your skin, suffer with it, stand it and feel threatened; feel that that our usual strongholds vibrate dangerously. Otherwise, even in case we would fully hold on to the validity and the realization of the Company, we will not have made it our own, we would not have understood it fully.

The future is not a measurement unit of time, but of imagination and dreams.
Imagine that you have a piece of paper and someone asks you to fold it once and then again and so on for fifty times. What thickness do you think you would obtain? That of a telephone book? Or maybe that of a refrigerator?

The truth is that you reach about the distance between the Earth and the Sun and if you fold it yet again, you also reach the return voyage. You reach the Sun through fifty simple steps.
