Provocative Thoughts for Managers by Beppe Carrella - HTML preview

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with the commitment to make them available and useful, independently of the current Stromboli.
We are spectators and our only aim is to look for our equals, with the sole intention to join the puppeteer (stronger) who is in charge. For as long as it lasts... Then we continue searching, not for a meaning, but of the new fastener to attach our threads. A continuous accumulation of masks, identities and lies!

It was all your fault and now what do you want?
You wanted to be one of us And now you regret your past identity
A puppet without threads And now you have all threads!!!

(“E’ stata tua la colpa”, Edoardo Bennato) 00059.jpg


We live in an organised world which is like a great building site (but not only) which, in moments that also may be contemporary seems to be in a demolition phase and in other moments seems to be a building site in the building phase.

As regards the interior of the buildings, it is not possible to understand if they are about to collapse or being built. A situation of ultimate danger. Being aware of it, means to have a possibility of letting a new or at least renewed entity be created. And it is in dangerous situations, that we are capable of rethinking events in a different way: accepting the challenge to reopen, continue the work on the site with courageous choices, participations, enthusiasm and the wish to be surprised.

This is a diabolic approach, in the sense of the Greek word “diaballo”. We throw ourselves in the midst of uncertainty, we enter the fray and


participate, not as spectators, we take our distance to intellectual fast food of culture in pills, of the vision of mere sternness in order to arrive to participation, to the public square, to the wish to be present with body and the contents of our minds, values, culture and our ethnic identity. All this must be used for the good of society, the group and the organization. In order to do so, we must rave, that is move away from the furrow of common opinions that lack energy. Or, as we say today from the sowing, from the way of reason (only!) and from a language that is impoverished by clichés full of technological narcissism.

Organizations that repeat themselves, that declare ethic and professionalism but in the end do not entirely accept the challenge of knowledge and change, do not accept the idea of a group, even if they survive thanks to groups and society. Organizations in which often the least equipped “wait for the next ride” the next superior, the next General Manager, the next shareholder etc.) in order to seek revenge for presumed injustices. Injustices that often are only imaginary and the fruit of a personal incapacity (lack of professional and communication capacities), seasoned with the desire (barely hidden) to obtain more power.

Order is what they believe in! But as a matter of fact, in all card games we know, very few people ask for an orderly deck of cards that has been ordered according to a particular sequence. Power that lets us control people. People? What do we need people for in this context? They are not necessary in this logic; it is enough to surround oneself by the usual “wellknown” collaborators: always the same people, a nice group, a good circle of great individuals, there is nothing to be said against that. And what about the interest of the company and the value of people? Bad luck: Leadership is something else.

Let us move one step forward and take a look at Superman!

Superman sacrifices a lot to be a hero. He abandons his calm life, he leaves home, his small town, the caring members of his adoptive family, his first love, his aspirations to become an athlete. Solitary, he fights an endless battle for justice, truth and eventually for what is identified as “America’s way”. Every time and upon every occasion, Superman inevitably places the interest of others before his own; he does this to his own body, using it as a shield and letting society benefit from his superpowers and talent.

Why should we always take care of others? For what reason? Why must we have this role as defenders? Why does Superman always try to do the right thing? And what is his compensation if he remains anonymous and unidentifiable? Even when he is on a magnificent tropical beach in complete relaxation, a lament from the other part of the world is sufficient to make him hurry to re-establish order.

Is he definitely a defender of the status quo? Or simply trying to be one of us? Technically he is not one of us. He is the only survivor of his race (an alien) and probably alone, more than anybody in this world that is not his. Then maybe he does this for the desire to belong, to feel part of something that is not naturally his (since he is not part of it by birth), but that he feels as his own and to which he wants to belong. By doing this and helping this world that has received and adopted him, he helps them to help himself, to participate in the social life of society...

A virtuous circle: he helps others to help himself and when he helps himself, he helps society. He takes an active part (without limiting himself to observing, to being a spectator – this is the leitmotiv), despite the fact that he is not personally involved, he takes up the defence and does not remain to watch, even though he belongs to another race; he takes part to have his own part in social life.

Aristotle knew it: we are all creatures that are fundamentally social. We need others and others need us.
We manage to obtain
maximum results and to
feel a maximum feeling of
satisfaction in everything
we obtain when we are
surrounded by a network of
people that sustain us and
help us and to whom we
also lend a hand, when
they need our help.
Practically speaking, true
success is something more
than the progress of the
individual and the pursue
of personal objectives.

The aim of individual power
is aimed only at having
power in relation to other
people. Unfortunately
for those who
believe in individual
power, it is good to
