Rancid Tales by Den Warren - HTML preview

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Wild Animals

The most physically demanding regular job I have ever done was shoveling 110 pounds of bean sprouts into a plastic barrel on a scale every 30 seconds, then with a helper, dumping the barrel into a hopper.  This was an all day job that someone had to do every day.  I have done it a number of times myself.  It was grueling, boring, and a real killer.

There were two guys on day shift who had this job as their regular job.  These guys were wild-eyed knuckle-dragging maniacs.  The way they acted made you think they had to be on something.  But to their credit, they did an awesome job of keeping all the sensible people off of the torment.

There was a drawback to having those guys over there.  They were insane.  While they were working they performed monkey-like antics.  One time one of them yanked the other one's pants down while they were working.  Intended or not, the underwear dropped down too.   The audience for that one included some women.

They never got into trouble for that, since no one made an issue out of anything that they did.  One day one of them grabbed the other one an hoisted him overhead, which had to be at full arm's length, and threw him into the mung bean sprout trough.  This was a huge operation that was like an indoor creek.

This time they did get into trouble.  They had gone too far. with safety being at stake.

I was not a main player in determining their fate, but  I did put in my own two cents.  I expressed that you cannot have a job suitable for a pack animal, then expect a noble gentry to do it. 

I don't know if I had any influence, but they did stay on the job, probably with a write up and a stern warning, resulting in them dialing it down a little.

Sometime after that, I heard that the job finally had become automated. 

Coveting:  A guy was telling another guy out in the warehouse how bad he wanted to get with a woman, he mentioned her name and what he wanted to do with her in graphic detail.  He didn't know it, but the guy he was talking to was her husband.