Sell it Yourself by PJV - HTML preview

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Chapter 6


In the last section we talked about the importance of the first impression that a buyer receives from seeing your home and the role that "curb appeal" plays in getting the buyers into the house to see all of its features. When you are selling a house, the better the curb appeal of your home, the better your chances are that a qualified buyer will walk through the house and make you a decent offer.

It is such a simple concept that it is hard to understand why so many homeowners do not seem to realize that if a prospective buyer doesn't like the look of the outside of the house, it will be virtually impossible to get them through the front door. Lack of curb appeal is more times than not the reason why houses sit on the market for months instead of selling in a few weeks.

Once you put your "for sale" sign on your lawn, your house will draw more attention than you may ever know just from drivers on your street. If a buyer sees an unkempt lawn and shrubs growing wild, your curb appeal is gone with the wind.

In addition, when you post your advertisement on the Internet, you literally open the floodgates for interested buyers. With hundreds of homes available in their price range, you have to make the most of the opportunity that this type of exposure gives your home and curb appeal is where it all begins. You basically have one chance to grab a buyers' attention and if you squander it, that is a prospective buyer and potential sale that you have lost.

Increase your chances by cultivating the curb appeal of your home from another persons' perspective. Ask different people such as a friend, co-worker and a relative to take a look at your house and tell you what improvements they would make. Even though you have emotionally let go of the house, the fact that you have lived there for so long will make it difficult for you to see everything that may need attention.

The exterior of the house and landscaping are very important, as well as lighting for your property at night, make sure to check your outdoor lighting fixtures and bulbs to make sure they are in good working order and illuminate your property well.

Keep your lawn trimmed and watered regularly

First and foremost, take special care of your lawn. A lush green, uniformly cut and edged yard creates a beautiful frame for your home. Pay special attention to problem areas of your lawn and if there are places that need to be fertilized or replanted do these first so that the repairs will not be noticeable. Your yard can have a well-manicured look if you use fresh mulch around plants and make the plant bedding edges sharp with a hoe. If you are selling your home in the autumn season make sure you keep your lawn free of fallen leaves.

The Back Yard

While the inside of your home will be under close inspection by prospective buyers, remember that the land around your home is just as important. If your home is one a large lot of land, this is one feature that is sure to appeal to young families who want a safe and secure outdoor play area for their children.

Your back yard should be neat and well manicured. Pool, fountains or Jacuzzis should be clean and well maintained. If you keep your dog in the year, be sure to clean up all evidence of their activity. Remove outdoor play or exercise equipment and put them in storage. Clear everything except the essential from your back yard so that buyers can clearly see the space available.

Tend Your Front Yard

What is the standard of landscaping around your house? If it is not very attractive, it might be worth the investment to buy a few shrubs or flowering plants, but stay away from planting trees, because you will not recoup your investment.

In terms of landscaping, make it a practice to trim your lawn and shrubs around the house every week as the weather conditions permit. Make sure to spruce up your garden or add color to your landscaping with potted flowers will make your property more inviting.

If you have tall trees on your property, you need to make sure that the branches are trimmed back so that they do not overhang or touch the property. Not only is this important to keep leaves off the roof, but also to avoid damage to the roof should lightning strike the tree or a branch is broken from a storm.

Add seasonal flowers to your garden

If you do not have a flower garden, make sure that you add so colorful potted flowers and plant them. Greenery and colorful flowers help to create a good first impression. If you have a small yard, make it wonderful with seasonal flowers or decorative items like a birdbath.

Inspect your foundation, steps, walkways, patios and porches for disrepair

There are many features in a home that you may take for granted such as a front or back porch, built-in bookcases or a security system that you can include in your list of special attractions. Think of all the activities that each aspect of your home makes easier and how you can use them as selling points for your property. Many home buyers will inspect the porch before entering the house. If you want to sell your house, you'll need to make sure your sidewalks, decks, and open porches look presentable.

Remove old paint on doors and windows

If your house looks dull and faded from across the street, a new coat of exterior paint may be the answer. While a house painting is not cheap, it is one investment that is worth making for the added curb appeal value it gives your house which can give you more bargaining power.

Consider the color theme of your neighborhood and choose a color that blends in well and is compatible with your style of house. Steer clear of extra bright hues or unusual colors; use a subtle color that will be harmonious with the most attractive feature of your property.

If you cannot afford to paint the entire house, you can paint the trim, front door and the shutters a color to catch the buyers' eye. And since the porch frames the front door and is the first part of the house buyers will actually visit, make sure it looks freshly painted, because it will be noticed more than the siding. If your house needs painting, it's best to paint the whole house. In some cases a good pressure wash will be enough to gibe the exterior a fresh look. In addition, pressure washing is a great way to give trim or walkways a clean, white look.

Check your gutters for problems

Be sure to check that your gutters and downspouts are firmly secured to the house. The sight of gutters that are packed full of leaves and other debris will turn off buyers. Gutters that have not been cleaned often can become a breeding ground for serious drainage problems and will call into question the condition of the entire house.

Check the roof and replace loose or damaged shingles

The roof is one of the most important-and most expensive parts of the house. Make certain that you check the roof to see if any shingles are missing. If you have a fireplace, have your chimney inspected and cleaned.

Check your house siding or brick face for signs of disrepair

Inspect the exterior material of your home. If you have siding, make sure that it is in good shape. If you find damage like holes patched and seal them. If you own a brick home, look for cracks in the brick face and missing chunks of mortar that may need to be replaced.

Make sure your walkways are free of snow and ice


If you are selling your house in winter, make sure that you keep your walkways, sidewalk and driveway cleared of snow and ice to prevent accidents.

Ensure a smooth arrival on your driveway
Make sure that the outside of your home receives as much attention as the inside. When buyers see a home with beautiful landscaping, and a smooth driveway, it not only enhances your home but also reinforces your ability to negotiate the purchase price from a point of confidence.

From the time that you decide to sell your home, inspect the walkway, sidewalk and driveway for cracks, loose tiles or other defects. If you have an asphalt driveway you may need to have it patched an sealed. You should also check and repair or paint gates, fences and your exterior mailbox.

Apply a fresh coat of paint to the front door

Your front door needs to be inspected as well as all of the doors throughout the house, especially in the attic and basement. The front door of your home should be as attractive as possible because it is the entry to the home. If you have metal fixtures on the door make sure you polish it until it shines. If the paint is chipped or peeling, refinish or repaint it. Make sure that all of the locks work easily and that you have the keys that work for each door in your house.

Remove your family name plaque from the front door if you have one; remember you want the buyer to imagine the house as his or her own. Be sure to buy a new welcome mat.


Taking care of the details

But keep in mind that buyers will also notice the "little things" like loose doorknobs, squeaky doors, loose grout around the shower or tub and missing outlet covers. A house sparkles with cleanliness it not only impresses buyers, but helps them to enjoy your house. If a buyer feels at ease in the house it is easier for them to imagine their life there and that is the result you want and the reason for all of your efforts.

Pay attention to the things that accent a room. If you have brass doorknobs, make sure they shine. The same is true for metal awnings or trim, make sure that it is polished or painted, and buyers will see that the property is well cared for and have more confidence in the potential of the house.

If your home has a foyer, make it welcoming with flowers in keeping with the season. If you have other accents such as a mirror or umbrella stand make sure that they are clean, polished and free of overly personal effects. Your entryway acts as the prologue to the rest of your house, make sure that every aspect is in good repair.

Store RVs or old cars elsewhere while the house is on the market

If your hobby is restoring old cars, put it on hold until you sell your house. All of your efforts can be undone if you have an eyesore like an old car on the property. In addition, ensure that you have a place to store your landscaping equipment and outdoor items safely while you are showing your property.

With all of your exterior work completed, it is now time for the most time consuming part of getting your house ready for sale-sorting through years of accumulated belongs and memories. In the next section you will work through the interior of the house to get ready to move to your new home.