This eBook is based on the blog by Dr John Sullivan on top 50 problems people face with performance appraisals, available at http://drjohnsullivan.com/performance-appraisal- the-most-dreaded-hr-process-a-list-of-the-top-50-problems/
We thank Dr John Sullivan for allowing us to use his blog as the basis for this eBook. We sincerely hope that this eBook will help HR practitioners across the world in their talent management journey.
About Dr John Sullivan
Dr John Sullivan has been a professor of management for over 26 years at San Francisco State University. His specialty is HR strategy and designing world class HR systems and tools for Fortune 200 firms. He has worked with over 200 different businesses and organizations in more than 30 countries around the world as a speaker or advisor.
Dr John Sullivan has not reviewed / endorsed / recommended this eBook or Synergita software in any manner. He is also not associated with us in any formal capacity.
Dr John Sullivan has given permission to Synergita team for using his blog as the basis for this eBook.