Stop Losing Money and Join the Winners: Great Picks are Not Enough by Frank Neal - HTML preview

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Year Round Operation


We’ve then decided to go with the MLB and the NHL which each respective season is complementing the other perfectly thus covering the whole year. This is more than enough for making virtually all the money you want.


A point that’s worth mentioning here is that you don’t have to like either sport, nor do you need a working knowledge of the rules. These are the best two professional sports leagues to use as our tools for generating your desired income. All you need to do is to use the right formula and the results will materialize.


You can be located anywhere in the world and even if the MLB and the NHL are operating in the USA and Canada, there are tons of sportsbooks offering odds for all of those games.


You can look at it as having 30 different corporate entities (30 teams); all located in different parts of the United States and Canada, independently operated using the same sound and proven business principles.


Most will experience very profitable periods during their respective season. The algorithm always spots them and you’ll be profiting by placing wagers on those. When some are going through a tougher time, you won’t spend unnecessary money into them (you won’t place any wagers) until they prove you that their business is back to normal.