Stop Losing Money and Join the Winners: Great Picks are Not Enough by Frank Neal - HTML preview

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Every effort has been made to accurately represent this formula and its potential. Just like any other sports betting, sports cash activity or any other business operation, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in this document. Examples in this document are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Income claims or results shown are purely based estimations or user experience and are not guaranteed for every user. As with any betting activity, you run the risk of not making any money or even losing money. You must obey the laws in your state, province, territory or country as it pertains to betting on sports online or offline. Laws are different everywhere and may change so be sure to verify with competent instances it is legal for you to bet on sports online or offline in your area. It is also your total responsibility to verify with competent instances if, when profits are generated, you have to report those profits as taxable income. Different states, provinces, territories or countries have their own tax laws. If you decide to use this formula by yourself or through our monthly pick service, the creator of this formula may not be held liable for any losses resulting from any sports betting activity.


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