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How Do You Tell Apart Legit From Scam?


We would like to take some time at this point to tell you how you can generally easily differentiate the “systems” (or strategies or whatever the term used is) that are worth something from the many scams operating on the market.


The truth is that it’s a whole lot easier than you would imagine exposing the scammers. First what we mean by “scammers”; it’s important to define the term so that we are all on the same page here.


We classify as scammers all the pick providers that knowingly provide their clients with worthless picks. We exclude from the list the ones who simply run into a bad streak, get unlucky timing, or that kind of stuff. Basically, a scammer is someone who never had the intention to have their clients making any kind of money.


Scammers all operate the same way:


  1. They gather as many clients as possible by claiming their expertise (often showing made up, after the fact, graphs and results)
  2. They provide those clients with their terrible picks that always end up turning into a loss for the buyers
  3. They gradually lose the clients because they get tired of paying for losing more money than they would have betting on their own
  4. They then recruit more clients and the wheel keeps turning for them until they lose all credibility thanks to reviews, forums, and word of mouth.


Those people know the picks they offer are completely worthless, but they don’t care since they don’t use the picks themselves; all the money they make comes from the memberships they manage to sell. They are very good marketers, but still horrible at having their clients profit from their picks.


Not all services that don’t work are scams. Some of them are just not good. It happens, you can have all the best intentions in the world, but you still need to have proper knowledge and experience to offer a good product!


Here’s a good rule of thumb to know if the pick service you’re looking at is legitimate quality or not. It should be providing you with:


  • Daily picks
  • Clear wager-to-wager money management instructions
  • Some kind of free trial period or a money-back guarantee (proof of their confidence in their service and a way to remove the risk from your shoulders)
  • Reliable customer support