Systemize Your Business by Rafael D' Jesus Ferreras Castillo - HTML preview

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The Lesson To Take Away From "The E-Myth"

In a nutshell, if you don't get anything else from Gerber's book, make sure you get this:

- You don't have to do everything in your business to make it successful.

- You don't have to involve yourself in every last bit of minutiae related to the daily operation of your business.

- You must always keep yourself in a position to see the "big picture" of where your business is going.

- You must allow yourself to steer the ship without worrying if the guys in the hold are feeding the coal into the boiler properly.

One of the easiest ways to burn yourself out before your business can even get off the ground is to try to master everything yourself, and do it all. No matter how good your are, it simply is not realistic. That is where the development of a logical and workable business system comes into play.