The 7 Tips To Be Limitless by Sequoyah Sanders - HTML preview

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I believe that this was picked from a few influences, because everyone looks at how far they've come and how far they aim to go, to give us a sense of momentarily placement to see our progress. If we are in scarcity mindset of "want, want, want" then we will never see all the things that we have, which could lead us to becoming ungrateful.

Grant Cardone, once suggested that we write down five things daily, that we are grateful for. I do this, but I write down three things I am grateful for, and if you've been following me on snapchat, you'll probably think of my "Daily Gratitude #000's" where I post a daily 'thank you' for something that most take for granted. That is my channel for expressing one of my daily three, or five.
