The 7 Tips To Be Limitless by Sequoyah Sanders - HTML preview

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Please acquire a healthy diet, if you do not already have one. If you take of your body, your body will take care of you.


Please aim to have a set time for sleep, try to get at least seven/eight hours of sleep nightly.


Please aim to learn something new every day, by learning one new thing a day, how much would you have learned at the end of the year? a lot, right? exactly. Aim to learn one new thing daily.

If anything, read. The great leaders are readers. Aim to read a book a week, schedule a time of thirty minutes to an hours of reading daily.


A example of consistency, is my choice of writing some more books. I am not the best, but I'll continue to write more to get better. Another example is my choice to workout everyday, drink one gallon of water each and every day, and show gratitude every day.

If I can do it. You can do it.

I am seventeen years old and I have just written my first book, nothing is impossible my friend.