The 7 Tips To Be Limitless by Sequoyah Sanders - HTML preview

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Number one that I would like to share, is the importance of having to BELIEVE in yourself. Do not allow anyone to say what you can and cannot do. EVER! You have to have faith and the belief that SUCCESS is possible for you; and build that mindset, make it bulletproof.

With believing in yourself and you can start by getting rid of the limited thought process that you may have. Stop telling yourself, 'no' and 'I'm not good enough' or "I'll never make it." and just imagine and see yourself there already because the person who says they can't, and the person who says they can, are both usually right.

I once pulled a quote from Alex Morton, and he said "The person who succeeds, must see themselves successful before they even get success. It is crazy, but ACT like the person you want to become." and in my understanding that does not mean go and buy expensive things like that person you want to be, or rent a foreign sports car like that person has, nor lie to others about things you have happening or working on, unless it's true, but don't do it when none of it is true.

Overall, just do not fake yourself out, instead act like 'as if' you had that opportunity to be a successful person's roommate for a month. Notice and acquire their habits, personality, passions, efforts, likes, dislikes, maybe even the way that they dress because it'll give you a new found sense of confidence and in my case a sense of leadership.

My senior year in high school I began