The Art of Delegation: Growing Your Business With a Virtual Assistant by Admin Slayer - HTML preview

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Learn to Love Technology


Ack! Technology! RUN AND HIDE! No, wait! Come back! Raise your hand if, at some point in your life, any of the following has crossed your mind:

  • Technology hates me!
  • I’m just not good with computers.
  • This software is:
  • Too complicated
  • Too difficult
  • Annoying
  • Slow
  • Ineffective

...and I’ll just use…

  • A spreadsheet
  • Sticky notes
  • Pen and paper
  • My memory (!)


There’s a reasonable chance that your hand is up now. Which is kind of strange, since you’re probably reading this alone at your computer, or in a coffee shop or library. Put your hand down, weirdo1.

Most entrepreneurs in our experience are not naturally amazing with technology.

Ideas? yes! Inspiring, leading, growing, building? yes, yes, yes, YES! Technology? Not so much.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. Having some frustrating experience does not mean that technology can’t or won’t work for you. In fact, with the right systems in place, you’ll wonder how you ever managed without.

When it comes to working with a virtual team, technology is a must. Frankly, if you’re running any business in this day in age, technology is a must.

That’s not to say you have to be super tech-savvy yourself. But you do need reasonably fast internet, a functioning computer, and (ideally) a smartphone.

Some people look at technology as a thing they have to understand and implement (or avoid altogether). That’s letting the tech-tail wag the dog. What you need is someone to understand your business and your intended results, and implement the technology for you.

No, you don’t need to be the one person who researches, understands, and implements the technology. You need someone to do all those things, and then show you how to use it.

For example, we took a business that had been in operation since the 1940s and upgraded its systems and processes. They were working with hand written invoices when we met them, and now their billing is electronic and automated. Find someone (like Admin Slayer) to help you identify and implement the right tech tools, and your business will run like a well-oiled machine.


1 *Did we mention we love weirdos? We’re kind of weird. You’ll see that later, in the “About Us” section.