The Management of Communications by Allan Thain - HTML preview

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Almost every communications plan involves some special events which will require special treatment.

This involves two sorts of events:

1.  Things the organization does in the normal course of events which you can take advantage of. Some examples are: annual meetings, Opening of New Plant or Premises, Announcements of new product, service or model

2.  Those special events you “create” to further your communication goals.

Some examples are: Providing an award or awards dinner, developing a special “day” or “week”, Special conferences, Sponsorship of athletic or cultural events

Some General Rules:

1.  Make sure you know about all the events planned by your organization well in advance and assess their potential publicity value in terms of your communications objective.

2.  Get people involved. Hold a meeting of all responsible people. Make sure everyone who might have an input is involved.

3.  Delegate. Spread the workload. Give specific tasks and responsibilities to all members of the committee.

4.  Give yourself time. With special events, you only get one kick at the can. Material that arrives a day after the event is worthless.

5.  Follow up. Plan regularly scheduled meetings of your committee to ensure that all elements of communications are on schedule.

6.  Follow through. Don’t let your guard down on the day of the event. It is the most important part.

7.  It may be invaluable to do a “dry run” of the event a day or two in advance.

8.  On the day of the event, make sure you show up early and double- check all essential elements.

9.  Plan for disasters. As much as possible have contingency plans for last minute foul-ups such as: inclement weather, failure of VIP or speaker

to appear, change of date or venue.

10.Assess and evaluate. After the event prepare a detailed report. Be honest. This is how you will improve future performance and cut down on errors.


The following checklist can be used for any type of ceremony or special event. Not all elements are applicable to all occasions. Special items may be added when necessary.

1.  Where

-    Size

-    Weather Cover

-    Access

-    Parking

-    Directional Signs

2.  When

-    Conflicts

-    Media deadlines

-    Relevance to Event

3.  Who

-    Host

-    Master of Ceremonies

-    Chairman

-    Guests

4.  Statements/Speeches

-    Advance Tests

-    Photos

-    Speaking Text

5.  Advertising

-    Publicity

-    Promotional Material

6.  Invitations to:

- VIP (Minister, Senator, Gov.Authorities, Reg.Authorities, Religious Leaders)

-    Media (national, regional, local, ethnic, community)

-    Other departments

-    Other governments

-    Other companies

-    Suppliers

-    Customers

-    Neighbouring people


7.  All Printed Material

-    Translation

-    Proofing

-    Clearance

-    Release Dates

8.  Photos, videos/DVDs, projections, props, signs etc

9.  Communications

- mikes

- pool sound outlets

- TV outlets

- Internet

10. Radio, DVD/Digital player

11. Flags

12. Head table size in relation to the number of officials

13. Podium, lectern, sound system, emblem or insignia

14. Simultaneous translation

15. Floor Manager

16. Telephones

17. Security

-    guards

-    insurance

-    traffic

-    fire regulations

18. Seating of officials and guests on stage

19. Protocol to be followed in the order presentation

20. Reception room where VIPs will be met before the ceremony

21. Transportation of VIPs from  airport to hotel, to site and return


22. Buses (if needed) to tour the area, or bring delegates

23. Air or train scheduling, reconfirmation, schedules

24. Flowers for officials or guests

25. Escorts and guides

26. Plaques, gifts, mementos

27. Rehearsals, if necessary

28. Final Briefing

29. Agenda

30. Songs, anthems, music

-    legal

-    requirements

-    protocol

-    recording or live

31. Coffee, lunch, bar, etc.

-    number of people expected

-    menu selection

-    where

-    when

32. Media Area

-    Tables

-    Security

-    Computers/High Speed Internet

-    Phones

33. Registration of News Media

34.  Media Kits

- design

- printing

- material

- distribution


35. Photographer

36. Additional Checks

37. Budget reviewing

38. Monitoring and Evaluation Report