Time Management and Productivity by Ken Seaney - HTML preview

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As a self-employed small business owner you have a huge dilemma: it seems that there are just not enough hours in the day. You are busy, busy, busy, and work very hard but you never seem to have enough time to get everything done. You are finding it harder and harder to get ahead or feel that you’ve got things under control with the business. Something has to change, but you are unsure what to do about it.

In this book we’re going to cover the best ways for you to save time and get more done. You’ll discover:

  • What time management really is.
  • How to identify the things that are stealing precious time.
  • How to be more effective each day.
  • How to change your habits and routines that are not productive.
  • Ways to eliminate distractions and interruptions.
  • Why you should invest your time and not just spend it.