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  1. 11. How to deal with depression

Perhaps at one point in your life you have undergone depression. Maybe things were not going as well as you expected and you felt helpless. Life is meant to be lived to the fullest but depression can prevent you from living your life. However, you can overcome it. Here are a few tips on how to deal with depression.

Depression can be defined as a state of feeling sad. It is a condition in which a person is mentally disturbed and finds it difficult or lacks the energy to concentrate on a task, loses interest in life and also feels gloomy and dejected.

It is a natural part of life to feel blue sometimes but if it stretches over a long period of time and it affects your daily activities such that you cannot perform as well as you were before, it is time to address the core issue.

Whether you are the one going through this phase or it is someone you love there are ways to get over it. Access to the right information is vital and so is seeing the right doctor. Having a great support system from your family is also very helpful as they contribute largely towards your recovery. With all the above, even the most severe depression can be treated.

The first step towards dealing with depression is to identify whether indeed you are depressed. Only then can you be able to seek appropriate help and start the journey to recovery.

Common symptoms of depression include: anxiety or a feeling of emptiness, sadness that is persistent often resulting to crying, feeling worthless and low self esteem. Insomnia or sleeping a lot more than usual, an unexplained fatigue and lack of energy to do simple tasks, overeating or lack of appetite leading to weight gain or loss, pessimism, experiencing body cramps, headaches and other aches that medication fails to treat, being restless and irritable and having suicidal thoughts.

Talk to your doctor so that you can find the root cause of depression. It could be as a result of medication you were taking before. Medical conditions may imitate depression. Some medical conditions such as hormonal imbalance, alcohol and drug addictions, deficiency of vitamins or minerals may offset depression. Women may also experience post-partum depression soon after childbirth.

Some natural depression remedies may include light therapy which means you should get out more often and soak up some sunshine. It will do you good. Exercising and especially doing aerobics will increase your heart rate. The more active you are the better and faster it will be for you to get out of depression.

Accept who you are with all your strengths and flaws. Quit giving yourself a hard time for all the mistakes you have done or opportunities you missed out on just because you felt you were not good enough to take a risk. That is the past and it does not matter at all.

Once you accept yourself, get to know a little more about who you are. Try out new things such as enrolling for a dance, cooking or an art class, signing up for the gym, playing your favorite sport, or participating in a charity. There is no greater joy than being of service to others.

Seeking the help of a counselor is also highly recommended especially if the cause is a strained relationship that is bringing unhappiness. The parties involved should talk to a counselor and try to work through the issues together. Another way to deal with depression is through use of acupuncture as well as aromatherapy.

Yoga can help beat depression especially through meditation and breathing exercises. Being religious is also another way to overcome depression since there is a higher power watching over you and listening to your problems.

Be creative as much as you can and avoid being idle. Start a blog or get a job. Writing stories or poetry also aids in diverting all the negative energy into something useful. To sleep better, you can use natural sleep remedies. Avoid putting off decisions and deal with things as they occur.

As outlined above, it is possible to overcome depression. There is no reason to continue living in darkness when you have the chance to really live and enjoy life. Hopefully, the above enlightens you on how to deal with depression and overcome it.