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  1. 17. How to get back on your feet after an injury

Life is full of uncertainty. We never really know what card it will deal us come a new day. Every morning when you get out of bed, you are taking a risk as anything could happen in the course of the day. Accidents happen mostly without our knowledge. We may cause them ourselves or be victims but either way they have a negative impact on our lives. This article aims at helping you know how to get back on your feet after an injury.

Should you be involved in a motor vehicle accident either as a passenger or as a pedestrian or sustain injuries from an accident in relation to construction work, you may and will most likely have to discontinue your daily routine. This will depend on the extent of the injury. Some injuries will require you to undergo surgeries while others will not.

The road to recovery may not always be smooth. It can be slow and utterly painful as the recovery period is not known due to the complex nature of the human body. There are however, some things you can do to accelerate the healing process. The following are some of the ways you can contribute towards your recovery.

Often, victims of accidents try to hasten their recovery process by being more active than they really should. Nobody wants to feel useless but pushing your ailing body is more disastrous. It could worsen your injuries and end up prolonging the time you should have spent healing.

Rest as much as you can. This will ensure that the body concentrates most of its energy towards healing. Resting should not be regarded as time wastage, rather view it as you would a vacation. Treat your body well and it will reciprocate by healing faster than you expect.

Another way to promote healing after an injury is to eat right. The importance of nutrition cannot be stressed enough. As you recuperate, your body will have a rising need for protein which is required for the repair of tissue and muscle. Your physician may also recommend adding certain foods to your diet that are rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals.

Fluids are also a big part of getting better faster. Your body is made up of 70% fluids and they play a huge role in ensuring all the essential elements are transported to the injured areas. The fluids will also rid the body of toxins and wastes that are produced during healing. Water is life and the body will barely function without it.

During this period of recovery, try as much as possible to manage your stress levels. No matter the extent of your injury, a positive attitude will help your immune system to function at optimal levels.

To reduce stress, engage yourself in enjoyable activities such as listening to classical music, watching cartoons, the sunset or the stars. Share a laugh with a friend and appreciate the fact that you are alive and the progress you are making in your recovery.

You can stimulate your body to heal by undertaking exercise. Most normal forms of exercises are prohibited due to the injuries but it is important to exercise all the same. Light exercises are recommended such as walking as it will increase your blood flow. Your physician will also guide you on the safest and most effective activities to carry out.

If your accident was so serious such that you lost movement of your limbs, you will have to undergo physiotherapy to regain motion and reawaken the nerves in your limbs.

Definitely, this will be a period where you will experience light to excruciating pain. Nobody likes pain and you can seldom escape from it. You can however learn how to manage it. Take your pain medication as prescribed and let your doctor know your pain levels regularly so he can figure out the best way to proceed.

Finally, follow your doctor’s advice. He is more rational than you are in that moment and he probably knows best. Also remember to register for insurance cover for times like this if you have not done so already. It will give you much needed peace of mind since you will not have to worry about drowning out your finances.

Hopefully, the above tips enlighten you on how to get back on your feet after an injury.