Transforming De-Motivated Staff into Self-Motivated Achievers by Beyond Timelines - HTML preview

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{2} Positive Adversity is a term applied to a person, or persons “bigger picture”. In other words. What may not be instantly evident, or obvious from a situation, event, or otherwise. Will with time unfold itself. Often and upon reflection, what was initially perceived as an adverse or negative scenario, is an essential understanding for overall advancement. Positive Adversity is another essential dynamic development tool that is covered under its own module which can be found at BeyondTimelines


{3} The “conscious self” refers to the part of self that is conscious of their own consciousness. That is, “I am aware that there is an awareness around, or inside me”. Around or inside, it is the same thing.


{4} “Consciousness” refers to an aspect of yourself that is beyond the mind and intuition. Consciousness is ones awareness extended further.


{5} When referring to the “subconscious and unconscious”, due to the fine lines of ambiguity surrounding these two as separate, for the ease of understanding we have grouped these into one. That is, “sub-unconscious” and “sub-unconsciously”. In reality, they really mean the same thing.


{6} “Electromagnetic and electromagnetics” refer to the scientific study of electrical currents and magnetic fields. These fields are found to permeate throughout life. That is the earth, and humans. It is currently being discovered that electromagnetics are behind and control the biology in human life.


{7} “Energy” is referred to throughout this module is not the energy in from a utility company. What we are referring to is “human energy”, otherwise called prana, chi, qi, vital life, the source of all that is, etc.


{8} “Overall Consciousness” refers to an individual’s conscious, sub-conscious, un-conscious, as well as all other aspects of the conscious and non conscious self. This includes the consciousness of all that there is, etc


{9} ****** is a real company that for legal reasons must remain nameless


{10} The "Awareness" referred to in this module, is awareness of one's self. In other words, an individual may be more or less aware of their environment than that of another. However, as there is a great deal of ambiguity differentiating between awareness and consciousness. What is meant here is the awareness of something or other, and not consciousness that creates.




{12} Associated core experiences and associated experiences are real life events and experiences that have gone on to form a perception, which for simplicity have been grouped together as one. i.e. Associated core experience & associated experience meaning the same thing.


{13} “Consciously relived” means to live out mentally and emotionally BUT NOT IN REAL PHYSICAL LIFE. It means to touch the energy and feel the emotions, yet one is not required to live out and experience in real life.

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