Ultimate Online Selling Machine by Sandra Summers - HTML preview

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Online Industry Leaders came together and have created an amazing never done before program called Project Breakthrough.  Project Breakthrough is the industry's first true step-by-step, most comprehensive video guided program specifically designed to help you:

  1. Earn a commission online (real money) - even if you have never made a dime online before.
  2. Understand how to do it over and over  again so you never have to "depend" on anybody or anything. Take control of your future and write your own ticket.
  3. Scale and multiply your income. How to go from making a single sale to earning potentially up to $20,000 - $50,000 or more per month!


You may be wondering why such a powerful program would be offered for free... 

Here’s why: 

Recently, we surveyed over 2,700 people in the online marketing "work from home" industry and the results we saw where shocking. 

Take a look at actual survey results... 


As you can see, 70.9% of people are earning absolutely nothing. Zero. 

89.9% of the people surveyed, are earning less than $100 per month online! 

This is our fight. 

Our mission is to change those statistics and genuinely help people achieve true success in business and in life. 

Thousands of others have already started their Project Breakthrough and are changing their lives every day. You can be next!

We offer our reader this ready to deploy “Ultimate Invisible Online Selling Funnel” and start earning consistent income as soon as in 14 days or less. The following section will further make it crystal clear as to Why it is called  “Effortless Online Selling Funnel “



  1. You earn your first commission as soon as someone joins this 14 Days FREE Online Training “Make Money Online in 14 Days Flat”. NO Strings Attached and NO Credit Card Details required.
  2. Leads brought in by you will go through 14 days training program, will learn the process of making online (100% FREE). He would be taught how to setup the system, for which he would need some tools (training is provided FREE, But he’ll have to purchase resources which are needed to setup the system; Domain Name, Landing Page/Website, Tracking tools, autoresponder etc.) , that will give you 2nd commission and note many of these tools have monthly recurring commissions. During the training program they will be offered specialized online courses, this will give another commission to you. The people you introduce to this funnel will become part of your organization and you’ll be able to make more and more money as new people join in. I hope by now you would have realized the potential of this ultimate funnel. You’ll get to know about a MEGA opportunity which will blow your mind once you join the Project Breakthrough, that too at ZERO COST. 
  3. Your income grows over the time; we add new products to this funnel and give more opportunity for you to make money without even adding new leads to the funnel. At the moment it is loaded to 29 passive income streams all together.
  4. You do not need to sell all these products, products are presented and sold to your leads by very influential professionals online. You just need to promote one funnel called “How to start earning in 14 Days Or Less!”
  5. Zero Barriers to Entry – There is absolutely No COST for anyone to register for this “14 Days Free Training Program”. NO Strings Attached, No Credit Card Detail is required.
  6. Funnel is 100% on Auto-Pilot. You just promote the 14 Days FREE Online Training “Make Money Online in 14 Days Flat”. We take care of the rest. Even we’ll teach you the powerful methods to generate traffic (Free, low cost and specialized traffic sources).

This funnel can generate Passive Income source which grows over time. It is 100% FREE for all my readers here.

  • Project Breakthrough has been designed specifically to help you get results FAST, even if you’re a beginner and have never had any online success before
  • Your mentor and program instructors will take you on a 14 day journey. 
  • Starting from scratch, Vick & Jason will walk you through the entire process step-by-step. It’s like you standing behind his shoulder and watching him pick a product, creates a marketing campaign, set up custom marketing funnel, get traffic and turn traffic into leads and sales generating commission right before your eyes in real time. 
  • The best part is you can model what Vick & Jason do and follow along every step of the way. No stone is left unturned. 
  • It's really almost impossible not to get results if you just follow the program.



  1. Only 20% of visitors will opt in to the “14 Days FREE Training Program” (we achieved up to 60%).
  2. 20% of above will go through all the way to Phase 2.
  3. 50% who get to phase 2 will purchase the necessary tools.
  4. 10% who get to phase 2 will buy a high ticket back-end (commission up to $2400/sale).


STARTER: Get 1,000 visitors per month (33 per day)

  1. 1000 x 20% = 200 opt in *$1.50 = $300 (First Commission, You’re paid $1.50 for giving away FREE product)
  2. 200 x 20% = 40 get to phase 2
  3. 40 x 50% = 20 purchase tools (GR: 20x$6) + (CM: 20x$17) + (MF: 20x$15) = $760
  4. 40 x 10% = 4 buy the “secret high ticket” x $2,400, commission = $9,600

Front End Passive Income $1060

FULL FUNNEL INCOME POTENTIAL: $10660/month, ($127,920/yr)

(Not including any UPSELLS of Training products here)

Note: 14 days training will teach you how to bring traffic as well (Free, cheap, specific)


BUILDER: Get 3,000 visitors per month (100 per day)

  1. 3000 x 20% = 600 opt in *$1.50 = $900 (First Commission, You’re paid $1.50 for giving away FREE product)
  2. 600 x 20% = 120 get to phase 2
  3. 120 x 50% = 60 purchase tools (GR: 60x$6) + (CM: 60x$17) + (MF: 60x$15) = $2,280
  4. 120 x 10% = 12 buy the “secret high ticket” x $2,400, commission = $28,800

Front End Passive Income $3,180

FULL FUNNEL INCOME POTENTIAL: $31,080/month, ($372,960/yr)

(Not including any UPSELLS of Training products here)

Note: 14 days training will teach you how to bring traffic as well (Free, cheap, specific)


CHAMPION: Get 7,500 visitors per month (250 per day)

  1. 7500 x 20% = 1500 opt in *$1.50 = $2,250 (First Commission, You’re paid $1.50 for giving away FREE product)
  2. 1500 x 20% = 300 get to phase 2
  3. 300 x 50% = 150 purchase tools (GR: 150x$6) + (CM: 150x$17) + (MF: 150x$15) = $5,700
  4. 300 x 10% = 30 buy the “secret high ticket” x $2,400, commission = $72,000

Front End Passive Income $7,950

FULL FUNNEL INCOME POTENTIAL: $79,950/month, ($959,400/yr)

(Not including any UPSELLS of Training products here)

Note: 14 days training will teach you how to bring traffic as well (Free, cheap, specific)



If you are somebody who is truly hungry for success and seriously want to create a real breakthrough (financial and otherwise) for yourself and for your family, but you don’t know how or where to start -- or perhaps you’ve tried to earn money online but failed over and over again -- then this is exactly what you need.

Here’s the plan:

First, let’s help YOU breakthrough and get you earning the kind of money you always wanted to make. Then TOGETHER let’s help millions of others! 

Project Breakthrough is literally a movement and we invite you to become a part of it today, because your breakthrough is literally just around the corner.