Wealth Manifestation Decoded by Olafur Olafsson - HTML preview

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Poor people think that your wealth depends on your family origin. You are rich if only you belong to a family of rich. Rich people think otherwise. They go with people who can help them. They talk to financially successful people taking notes of their secrets to prosperity. With the right associations, you can become rich even when you come from poor family.

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Wealth Manifestation Decoded

7. Rich people are good learners while poor people think they know everything.

Life is about learning. When you declare that, you know everything, learning stops. However, when you admit you still need more knowledge, you will yearn to learn more.

Open-mindedness versus Close-mindedness Poor People

Poor people believe that they know everything. They know how life works and how to live well. Their beliefs make them close their minds to new ideas. If you are not willing to learn, you will never know why rich people become richer and why remain poor despite all your efforts.

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Wealth Manifestation Decoded