Why I Can't Quit by Chibuike Wogu - HTML preview

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Chapter 7


“Failure is a chance to begin again more intelligently”, one of my favorite by Henry Ford.

It is important to pick whatever pieces that are left after encounters with daily failure situations. However, we as entrepreneurs sometimes fail to pick up any of these pieces. In every failure situation is left at least a piece of learning, information, advice, clue that has been designed either to help us perform better and make better decisions or to help us from repeating such daily failure situations.

Daily failure situations are a given, because we will fail on our entrepreneurial journey but we must recognize that we have full 24 hours to make it work.

In my analysis, I think that to be an interesting and consoling second part of the story to every failure situations. The knowledge that yes, I will experience failure in my entrepreneurial journey but that I have full 24 hours to right the wrong , should at least bring you some peace as an entrepreneur and help eliminate a high degree of fear and worry when you encounter daily failure situations.

The knowledge of this truth is not enough, however, you should ensure to make your ‘24 hours’ count. In trying to resolve any daily failure situation, it is important you desist from chasing shadows and focus on establishing the right kind of solutions for those failure situations.

While these 24 hours might seem a long time, it has been found to be such a short time especially when not put into proper use.

It is important, as much as possible, to invest your 24 hours in finding solutions to fix the failure situations than on spending the entire 24 hours brooding over the problems.

Steer clear of the lie that nothing can be done to change any of your daily failure situations or that you do not have enough time or patience to salvage anything from those failure situations.

I want to reiterate that you have all it takes to salvage those situations and that includes; the time, attention, patience, energy, and what have you.

So learn to stay focused on righting the wrongs and making your 24 hours count.